Braille input reference for HIMS notetakers

Braille input reference for HIMS notetakers


You need to know how to input certain Braille characters or symbols, for example when entering an email address.


Please refer to the information below.

@ (at) sign- Space-U then 'the' sign (1-3-6-Space, then 2-3-4-6)


If the customer has set the unit to UK computer braille, the numbers are regular numbers with a dot 6 on the same cell. For example, number 1 is dots 1-6.
Zero is all 6 dots (1-2-3-4-5-6).

Computer Braille character reference:

Exclamation mark: dots 2-3-4-6
Quotation mark: dot 5
Number sign: dots 3-4-5-6
Dollar sign: dots 1-2-4-6
Percent: dots 1-4-6
Ampersand: dots 1-2-3-4-6
Apostrophe: dot 3
Left parenthesis: dots 1-2-3-5-6
Right parenthesis: dots 2-3-4-5-6
Asterisk: dots 1-6
PLUS: dots 3-4-6
Comma: dot 6
Dash: dots 3-6
Period: dots 4-6
Slash: dots 3-4
0: dots 3-5-6
1: dot 2
2: dots 2-3
3: dots 2-5
4: dots 2-5-6
5: dots 2-6
6: dots 2-3-5
7: dots 2-3-5-6
8: dots 2-3-6
9: dots 3-5
Colon: dots 1-5-6
Semi colon: dots 5-6
Less than: dots 1-2-6
Equal: dots 1-2-3-4-5-6
Great than: dots 3-4-5
Question mark: dots 1-4-5-6
At sign: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dot 4
A: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dot 1
B: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-2
C: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-4
D: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-4-5
E: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-5
F: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-2-4
G: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-2-4-5
H: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-2-5
I: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 2-4
J: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 2-4-5
K: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-3
L: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-2-3
M: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-3-4
N: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-3-4-5
O: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-3-5
P: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-2-3-4
Q: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-2-3-4-5
R: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-2-3-5
S: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 2-3-4
T: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 2-3-4-5
U: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-3-6
V: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-2-3-6
W: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 2-4-5-6
X: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-3-4-6
Y: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-3-4-5-6
Z: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-3-5-6
Left bracket: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 2-4-6
Back slash: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-2-5-6
Right bracket: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 1-2-4-5-6
Carat: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 4-5
Underscore: Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 4-5-6 *after checking this our side, it seems to be Space-u (dots 1-3-6), dots 2-4-6 (tested ok)
Grave accent: dots 4
a: dot 1
b: dots 1-2
c: dots 1-4
d: dots 1-4-5
e: dots 1-5
f: dots 1-2-4
g: dots 1-2-4-5
h: dots 1-2-5
i: dots 2-4
j: dots 2-4-5
k: dots 1-3
l: dots 1-2-3
m: dots 1-3-4
n: dots 1-3-4-5
o: dots 1-3-5
p: dots 1-2-3-4
q: dots 1-2-3-4-5
r: dots 1-2-3-5
s: dots 2-3-4
t: dots 2-3-4-5
u: dots 1-3-6
v: dots 1-2-3-6
w: dots 2-4-5-6
x: dots 1-3-4-6
y: dots 1-3-4-5-6
z: dots 1-3-5-6
Left brace: dots 2-4-6
Vertical bar: dots 1-2-5-6
Right brace: dots 1-2-4-5-6
Tilde: dots 4-5

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