BrailleSense 6 - Command shortcut summary

BrailleSense 6 - Command shortcut summary

Command Summary

Please find below command summary for BrailleSense 6 notetaker.

Common Combination Keys

Open the main program menu: F1
Open the Running Tasks list: F1-F4

Switch to next running task: F2-F3
Switch to previous running task: Space-F2-F3
Open program specific menu: Space-m (dots 1-3-4) or F2
Exit: Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)
Escape: Space-e (Space-1-5) or F4
Move to the next control in a dialog box: Tab (Space-4-5 or F3)
Move to the previous control in the dialog box: Shift-tab (Space-1-2 or Space-F3)
Move to the previous character: Space-3
Move to the next character: Space-6
Move to the previous line/item: Space-1
Move to the next line/item: Space-4
Move to the beginning of line/item: Space-1-3
Move to the end of line/item: Space-4-6
Move to the top of a document or list: Space-1-2-3
Move to the bottom of a document or list: Space-4-5-6
Move to the previous page or to the first item of the previous 32-item group: Space-1-2-6 or F1-F2
Move to the next page or to the first item of the next 32-item group: Space-3-4-5 or F3-F4
Scroll back: Up scroll button
Scroll forward: Down scroll button
Move the cursor to a specific cell or list item: press the corresponding cursor routing key
Find: Space-f (dots 1-2-4)
Upper case: Space-u (dots 1-3-6)
Repeat current item: Space-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
Open web Page: Space-w (dots 2-4-5-6)
Say current time: Space-t (dots 2-3-4-5)
Display power status: Space-1-6
Open "Global options": Space-o (dots 1-3-5)
Online help: Space-h (dots 1-2-5)
Check software version: Space-v (dots 1-2-3-6) only from Main menu
Display network status: Space-n (dots 1-3-4-5) from Main menu
Display flash disk empty space: Space-i (dots 2-4) from Main menu
LCD on/off: Enter-4-5-6 from Main menu
Voice on/off: Backspace-F2
Braille on/off: Backspace-F3
Increase voice volume: Backspace-F4
Decrease the voice volume: Backspace-F1
Increase the voice rate: Space-F4
Decrease the voice rate: Space-F1
Increase the voice pitch: Enter-F4
Decrease the voice pitch: Enter-F1
Increase the main volume: Backspace-Space-F4
Decrease the main volume: Backspace-Space-F1
One-handed mode on/off: Backspace-1-2-3
Bluetooth on/off: Backspace-3-4-5-6
Wireless LAN on/off: Backspace-1-4-5-6
Typing mode on/off: Backspace-Space-Enter-M (dots 1-3-4)
Change Braille Code: Backspace-Enter-b (dots 1-2)
Scroll voice on/off: F3-up scroll button
Eight dot mode on/off: F1-down scroll button
Select Braille cursor type: F4-up scroll button
Change TTS Voice: F3-V (dots-1-2-3-6)
Select display of control information: F2-down scroll button
Toggle Hide Passwords On/Off: F3-Down Scroll button
Turn Sleep Mode On/Off: Control-Alt-S (dots-2-3-4)
Unmount USB or SD: Backspace-Enter-u (dots 1-3-6) or Backspace-Enter-3-6

Quick Launch Commands

Use the following commands to launch their associated applications from anywhere on the BrailleSense 6.

Use F1 in combination with each letter to launch the following applications:
Address Manager: A (dot 1)
Web Browser: B (dots 1-2)
DAISY Player: D (dots 1-4-5)
Email: E (dots 1-5)
File Manager: F (dots 1-2-4)
Help: H (dots 1-2-5)
BookShare Download: K (dots-1-3)
Language Profiles: L (dots-1-2-3)
Media Player: M (dots 1-3-4)
Notepad: N (dots-1-4-5)
FM Radio: R (dots 1-2-3-5)
Schedule Manager: S (dots 2-3-4)
Google Search: U (dots-1-3-6)
Word Processor: W (dots 2-4-5-6)
Excel Viewer: X (dots 1-3-4-6)
Online DAISY: Z (dots 1-3-5-6)

Use F2 in combination with each letter to launch the applications below:
Sense Bible: B (dots-1-2)
Document Reader: K (dots-1-3)
Podcasts: P (Dots-1-2-3-4)
Wiki Search: W (dots-2-4-5-6)

Use F3 in combination with each letter to launch the applications below:
Wake up alarm: A (dot 1)
Bluetooth Manager: B (dots 1-2)
Calculator: C (dots 1-4)
Database Manager: D (dots-1-4-5)
Format: F (dots 1-2-4)
Setup Internet: I (dots 2-4)
Backup/Restore Personalized Settings: K (dots 1-3)
World Clock: L (dots-1-2-3)
BrailleSense Math: M (dots-1-3-4)
Password Protection: N (dots 1-3-4-5)
Backup/Restore Flashdisk: P (dots-1-2-3-4)
Color reader: R (dots-1-2-3-5)
Terminal for Screen Reader: S (dots 2-3-4)
Set Time & Date: T (dots 2-3-4-5)
Upgrade BrailleSense: U (dots 1-3-6)
Stopwatch: W (dots 2-4-5-6)

Other Quick Commands

Display time and date: Space-t (dots 2-3-4-5)
Display network status: Space-n (dots 1-3-4-5)
Display power status: Space-dots-1-6
Display compass heading: Enter-dots 5-6
Change device name: Backspace-Enter-e (dots 1-5)
Open sleep Timer: Space-j (dots 2-4-5)
Open Global Options: Space-o (dots 1-3-5)
Open Sense Dictionary: Backspace-Enter-d (dots 1-4-5)
Open Menu Manager: From Main Menu, Enter-H (dots-1-2-5)
Open URL: Space-W (dots-2-4-5-6)
Open Web search: Control-Alt-W (dots-2-4-5-6)
Web Search focused word: Backspace-Space-Enter-W (dots-2-4-5-6)

File Manager Commands

Move to previous item: Space-1 or up scroll button
Move to next item: Space-4 or down scroll button
Move to the beginning of the list: Space-1-2-3 or Space-1-3
Move to the end of the list: Space-4-5-6 or Space-4-6

Jump to folder list or file list: Space-5-6
Move between file list and address window: Tab (Space-4-5 or F3) / shift-tab (Space-1-2 or Space-F3)
Enter selected folder or open selected file: Enter
Move up one folder level: Backspace
Jump to the top level of the disk: Space-1-2-5-6
Move up 32 items: Space-1-2-3 or F1-F2
Move down 32 items: Space-3-4-5 or F3-F4

Select individual item: Space
Continuous selection: Enter-b (dots 1-2)
Select all: Enter-a (dot 1)

Open: Enter-o (dots 1-3-5)
Open in Document Reader: Backspace-R (dots-1-2-3-5)
Open with: Enter-e (dots 1-5)
Open in Second Notepad: Backspace-O (dots-1-3-5)
Zip: Enter-z (dots 1-3-5-6)
Unzip: Enter-u (dots 1-3-6)
Send To: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Rename: Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
New document: Enter-n (dots 1-3-4-5)
New folder: Enter-f (dots 1-2-4)
File conversion: Enter-t (dots 2-3-4-5)
Find file: Space-f (dots 1-2-4)
Find Text: Backspace-f (dots 1-2-4)
Merge files: Enter-m (dots 1-3-4)
Split files: Enter-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Information: Enter-i (dots 2-4)

Copy: Enter-c (dots 1-4)
Cut: Enter-x (dots 1-3-4-6)
Paste: Enter-v (dots 1-2-3-6)
Delete: Enter-d (dots 1-4-5)
Select all: Enter-a (dot 1)

Sort files by: Enter-g (dots 1-2-4-5)
Set file info: Enter-l (dots 1-2-3)
Display only files of type: Enter-w (dots 2-4-5-6)
Hide system folders: Enter-h (dots-1-2-5)
Set start Folder: Backspace-S (dots-2-3-4)
Document Open Settings: Enter-D (dots-1-4-5)

Word Processor Commands

New document: Enter-n (dots 1-3-4-5)
Open: Enter-o (dots 1-3-5)
Recent File List: Backspace-Enter-H (dots-1-2-5)
Opened Documents List: Backspace-Enter-O (dots-1-3-5)
Save: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Save as: Space-s (dots 2-3-4)
Export to Braille: Backspace-Enter-X (dots-1-3-4-6)
Close current document: Space-q (dots 1-2-3-4-5)
Print: Space-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Settings: Enter-e (dots 1-5)
Set File open method: Backspace-Enter-O (dots-1-3-5)
Dictionary: Backspace-Enter-d (dots 1-4-5)
Exit: Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)

Start selection: Enter-b (dots 1-2)
Copy: Enter-c (dots 1-4)
Add to the clipboard: Enter-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Clear clipboard: Enter-d (dots 1-4-5)
Delete: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)
Cut: Enter-x (dots 1-3-4-6)
Paste: Enter-v (dots 1-2-3-6)
Delete blank lines: Backspace-e (dots 1-5)
Select all: Enter-a (dot 1)
Check spelling: Enter-k (dots 1-3)
Check spelling of the current word: Backspace-k (dots 1-3)

Set Mark: Enter-m (dots 1-3-4)
Jump to mark: Enter-j (dots 2-4-5)
Delete Mark: Backspace-d (dots 1-4-5)
Insert from file: Enter-i (dots 2-4)
Insert date: Enter-w (dots 2-4-5-6)
Insert time: Backspace-w (dots 2-4-5-6)

Find: Space-f (dots 1-2-4)
Find next: Enter-f (dots 1-2-4)
Find previous: Backspace-f (dots-1-2-4)
Find and Replace: Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
Go to location: Enter-l (dots 1-2-3)
Go To Previous Sentence: Space-2-3-6
Go To Next Sentence: Space-3-5-6
Go to previous page: Space-1-2-6 or F1-F2
Go to next page: Space-3-4-5 or F3-F4
Go to previous document: Tab (Space-1-2 or Space-F3)
Go to next document: Shift-tab (Space-4-5 or F3)

Read selected text: Backspace-b (dots 1-2)
Read beginning of selected text: Enter-u (dots 1-3-6)
Read from beginning to cursor: Backspace-g (dots 1-2-4-5)
Read from cursor to end: Enter-g (dots 1-2-4-5)
Auto scroll: up-down scroll buttons
Read current paragraph: Space-2-3-5-6
Read Current Sentence: Space-1-4-5-6
Read current line: Space-1-4
Read current word: Space-2-5
Read current character: Space-3-6
Read status: Space-3-4
Read current cursor position: Space-1-5-6)
Read character and space count: Enter-3-4
Read Font info: Backspace-Enter-N (dots-1-3-4-5)

Set font: Enter-backspace-f (dots 1-2-4)
Set Style: Backspace-Enter-S (dots-2-3-4)
Print document layout: Backspace-t (dots 2-3-4-5)
Print paragraph layout: Backspace-2-3-4-6

Move forward by heading: Space-dots-2-5-6
Move backwards by heading: Space-2-3-5
Move forward by double Enter: Space-Enter-5-6
Move back by Double Enter: Backspace-Space-2-3
Delete current paragraph: Backspace-2-3-5-6
Delete current line: Backspace-1-4
Delete current word: Backspace-2-5
Delete current character: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)
Set view format characters: Space-1-4-6
Set reading unit: Space-2-4-6
Set read only: Space-3-4-6
Move back one slide in PPT: Backspace
Move forward one slide in PPT: Space
Go to Slide: Enter-L (dots-1-2-3)
Insert page break: Backspace-space-Enter-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Insert tab: Backspace-Space-Enter-I (dots 2-4)
Center line: Backspace-Space-Enter-c (dots 1-4)
Left justify: Backspace-Space-Enter-J (dots-2-4-5)
Right justify: Backspace-Space-Enter-R (dots-1-2-3-5)
Bold On/off: Control-B (dots-1-2)
Italics On/off: Control-I (dots-2-4)
Underline On/Off: Control-U (dots-1-3-6)
Toggle Math Mode on/off: Backspace-m (dots 1-3-4)

Notepad Commands

New document: Enter-n (dots 1-3-4-5)
New Notepad: Backspace-O (dots-1-3-5)
Open: Enter-o (dots 1-3-5)
Recent File List: Backspace-Enter-H (dots-1-2-5)
Opened Documents List: Backspace-Enter-O (dots-1-3-5)
Save: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Save as: Space-s (dots 2-3-4)
Close current document: Space-q (dots 1-2-3-4-5)
Print to embosser: Space-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Settings: Enter-e (dots 1-5)
Dictionary: Backspace-Enter-d (dots 1-4-5)
Exit: Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)

Start selection: Enter-b (dots 1-2)
Copy: Enter-c (dots 1-4)
Add to the clipboard: Enter-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Clear clipboard: Enter-d (dots 1-4-5)
Delete: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)
Cut: Enter-x (dots 1-3-4-6)
Paste: Enter-v (dots 1-2-3-6)
Delete blank lines: Backspace-e (dots 1-5)
Select all: Enter-a (dot 1)
Check spelling: Enter-k (dots 1-3)
Check spelling of the current word: Backspace-k (dots 1-3)

Set Mark: Enter-m (dots 1-3-4)
Jump to mark: Enter-j (dots 2-4-5)
Delete Mark: Backspace-d (dots 1-4-5)
Insert from file: Enter-i (dots 2-4)
Insert date: Enter-w (dots 2-4-5-6)
Insert time: Backspace-w (dots 2-4-5-6)
Insert Page Break: Backspace-Space-Enter-P (dots-1-2-3-4)
Insert tab: Backspace-Space-Enter-I (dots-2-4)

Find: Space-f (dots 1-2-4)
Find next: Enter-f (dots 1-2-4)
Find previous: Backspace-f (dots-1-2-4)
Find and Replace: Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
Go to location: Enter-l (dots 1-2-3)
Go To Previous Sentence: Space-2-3-6
Go To Next Sentence: Space-3-5-6
Go to previous page: Space-1-2-6 or F1-F2
Go to next page: Space-3-4-5 or F3-F4
Go to previous document: Tab (Space-1-2 or Space-F3)
Go to next document: Shift-tab (Space-4-5 or F3)

Read selected text: Backspace-b (dots 1-2)
Read beginning of selected text: Enter-u (dots 1-3-6)
Read from beginning to cursor: Backspace-g (dots 1-2-4-5)
Read from cursor to end: Enter-g (dots 1-2-4-5)
Auto scroll: up-down scroll buttons
Read current paragraph: Space-2-3-5-6
Read Current Sentence: Space-1-4-5-6
Read current line: Space-1-4
Read current word: Space-2-5
Read current character: Space-3-6
Read status: Space-3-4
Read current cursor position: Space-1-5-6)
Read character and space count: Enter-3-4

Braille document layout: Backspace-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Braille paragraph layout: Backspace-1-2-4-6

Delete current paragraph: Backspace-2-3-5-6
Delete current line: Backspace-1-4
Delete current word: Backspace-2-5
Delete current character: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)
Set reading unit: Space-2-4-6
Set read only: Space-3-4-6

E-mail Commands

Open "Accounts Manager”: Enter-m (dots 1-3-4)
Switch from Offline to Online mode (IMAP): Enter-dots1-2-3
Check for new mail: Enter-n (dots 1-3-4-5)
Receive old mail (IMAP): Backspace-p (dots1-2-3-4)
Move to previous account: Backspace-dots 1-2-6
Move to next account: Backspace-dots 3-4-5
Check current account: Space-3-4
Move to previous mailbox: Enter-dots 1-2-6
Move to next mailbox: Enter-dots 3-4-5
Write new message: Enter-w (dots 2-4-5-6)
Reply: Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
Reply all: Backspace-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
Forward: Enter-f (dots 1-2-4)
Forward as attachment: Backspace-w (dots 2-4-5-6)
Open Set Path: Enter-T (dots 2-3-4-5)
Open Set Options: Enter-o (dots 1-3-5)
Open Set Spam: Enter-e (dots 1-5)
Find: Space-f (dots 1-2-4)
Find again: Backspace-f (dots 1-2-4)
Move to unread message: Enter-u (dots 1-3-4)
Move to mailbox: Backspace-x (dots 1-3-4-6)
Copy to mailbox: Backspace-c (dots 1-4)
Import messages: Backspace-I (dots-2-4)
Add a sender to the address list: Enter-i (dots 2-4) (This is valid only at the "from" item of the "inbox")
Delete current message: Space-d (dots 1-4-5) (valid only from the Subject and Date fields of the Inbox.
Empty Trash: Enter-Backspace-q (dots 1-2-3-4-5)
Save current message as text file: Space-s (dots 2-3-4)
Save Attachment: Backspace-F (dots-1-2-4)
Print e-mail: Space-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Cancel: Space-e (dots 1-5)
Cancel and exit e-mail program: Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)

Search address list: Enter-l (dots 1-2-3)
Attach file: Enter-f (dots 1-2-4)
Send e-mail: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Save to Outbox: Space-s (dots 2-3-4)
Cancel: Space-e (dots 1-5)
Cancel and exit e-mail program: Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)

Open link in message body: Enter-L (dots-1-2-3)
Open Link in Android Browser: Backspace-L (dots-1-2-3)
Start selection: Enter-b (dots 1-2)
Select all: Enter-a (dot 1)
Copy to the clipboard: Enter-c (dots 1-4)
Cut to the clipboard: Enter-x (dots 1-3-4-6) (Only available when writing a message)
Paste from the clipboard: Enter-v (dots 1-2-3-6) (only available when writing a message)
Delete selection/delete current character: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)
Cancel selection: Space-e (dots 1-5)

Media Commands

File Commands
Open file: Enter-o (dots 1-3-5)
Open folder: Enter-f (dots 1-2-4)
Add file: Backspace-o (dots 1-3-5)
Add folder: Backspace-f (dots 1-2-4)
Save playlist: Enter-i (dots 2-4)
Save as playlist: Space-s (dots 2-3-4)
Delete item: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)
Open URL: Enter-u (dots 1-3-6)
Get tag information: Enter-t (dots 2-3-4-5)

Playback Commands
Play: Enter, Play button
Pause/play: Space, Play button
Stop: Backspace, Stop button
Previous track: Dot 3, Previous button
Next track: Dot 6, Next button
Back 5 tracks: Dots 2-3
Forward 5 tracks: Dots 5-6
First track: Dots 1-3
Last track: Dots 4-6
Volume up: Space-Up Scroll button
Volume down: Space-Down Scroll button
Speed up: Dots 3-4-5
Slow down: Dots 1-2-6
Change time index: Dot 2 or Dot 5
Move to next position by time index: Dot 4
Move to previous position by time index: Dot 1
Delete playlist: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)
Set marked position: Enter-m (dots 1-3-4)
Delete marked position: Enter-d (dots 1-4-5)
Jump to marked position: Enter-j (dots 2-4-5)
Go to position: Enter-g (dots 1-2-4-5)
Set mark: Backspace-m (dots 1-3-4)
Move to mark: Backspace-j (dots 2-4-5)
Move to previous mark: Backspace-dot 3
Move to next mark: Backspace-dot 6
Delete mark: Backspace-d (dots 1-4-5)
Mark manager: Backspace-k (dots 1-3)
Configuration dialog: Backspace-c (dots 1-4)
Playback settings dialog: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Record settings dialog: Backspace-s (dots 2-3-4)
Effect settings dialog: Enter-e (dots 1-5) Recording Commands
Open the Record dialog: Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5), Record button
Record: Record button
Pause/Continue recording: Space, Record button
Play: Play button

Hot Keys in the Play Information Tab
Move to the next item: Space-dot-4
Move to the previous item: Space-dot-1
Open menu: F2 or Space-m (dots 1-3-4)
Open help: Space-h (dots 1-2-5)
Move to Playlist tab: Space-4-5/Space-1-2
Exit Media Player: Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)

Keys in the Playlist Tab
Move to the next file: Space-4
Move to the previous file: Space-1
Move to the last file: Space-4-6
Move to the first file: Space-1-3
Play current file: Space
Start file selection: Enter-b (dots 1-2)
Start playing the selected files: Enter
Stop playing: Backspace
Delete the selected files from the playlist: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)
Move to "playback information" tab: Space-4-5/Space-1-2 Web Radio Commands
Open Channel list: Enter-C (dots-1-4)
Open Channel Search: Backspace-E (dots-1-5)
Play Channel in Channel List: Enter.
Stop Playback: Backspace.

FM radio Commands

Open the Presets dialog: Enter-e (dots 1-5)
Open the menu: Space-m (dots 1-3-4) or F2
Internal speakers on/off: Space-x (dots 1-3-4-6)
Move to next frequency: Dot 6
Move to previous frequency: Dot 3
Autoscan backward: Dot 2, short press Previous button
Autoscan forward: Dot 5, short press Next button
Go to frequency: Space-f (dots 1-2-4)
Move to previous preset: Dot 1, long press Previous button
Move to next preset: Dot 4, long press Next button
Save preset: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4) or long press Record button
Delete preset: Space-d (dots 1-4-5) or long press Stop button
Open Record dialog: Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
Record pause/resume: short press Record button
Stop recording: short press Stop button
Mute on: short press Stop button, Space
Mute off: short press Play button, Space
Volume up: Space-Up Scroll button
Volume down: Space-Down Scroll button

Podcasts Commands

Move among items in a list: Space-dot-1 and Space-dot-4
Move between content areas: F3 and Space-F3
Search for podcasts: Enter-S (dots-2-3-4)
Import OPML: Enter-O (dots-1-3-5)
Export OPML: Enter-X (dots-1-3-4-6)
Clear Downloaded Files: Backspace-C (dots-1-4)
Options: Backspace-O (dots-1-3-5)
Insert Feed: Enter-I (dots-2-4)
Delete feed: Space-D (dots-1-4-5)
Subscribe from browser: Enter-J (dots-2-4-5)
Play/Download Current episode: Enter
Increase Playback Speed: dots-3-4-5
Decrease Playback Speed: dots-1-2-6
change playback position: press cursor router
Close Playback Controls: F4

Daisy Player Commands

Read title: Space-dots 1-2-5-6
Open DAISY book: Enter-o (dots 1-3-5)
Voice settings: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Check book-info: Enter-i (dots 2-4)
Exit: Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)
Play/Pause: Space
Go to beginning: Space-1-3 or Space-1-2-3
Go to end: Space-4-6 or Space-4-5-6
Increase volume: Backspace-dot-4
Decrease Volume: Backspace-dot-1
Increase Speed: Backspace-dot-5
Decrease Speed: Backspace-dot-2
Increase Pitch: Backspace-dot-6
Decrease Pitch: Backspace-dot-3
Move to the next page: Space-3-4-5
Move to the previous page: Space-1-2-6
Go to page: Enter-g (dots 1-2-4-5)
Select previous text/time unit: Dot 1
Select next text/time unit: Dot 4
Move to previous text/time unit: Dot 2
Move to next text/time unit: Dot 5
Select previous movement unit: Dots 2-3
Select next movement unit: Dots 5-6
Move to the previous unit: Dot 3 or short press Previous button
Move to the next unit: Dot 6 or short press Next button
Move to the next heading: Space-5 or long press Next button
Move to the previous heading: Space-2 or long press Previous button
Move to the last heading: Space-4-6
Move to the first heading: Space-1-3
Check the current-reading level and heading: Enter-w (dots 2-4-5-6)
Scan the heading list from the present to the end: Enter-n (dots 1-3-4-5)
Find heading: Space-f (dots 1-2-4)
Headings list: Enter-h (dots 1-2-5)
Find again: Enter-f (dots 1-2-4)
Set mark at current position: Enter-m (dots 1-3-4)
Move to the next mark: Space-dot 6
Move to the previous mark: Space-dot 3
Delete mark: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)
Create memo: Backspace-m (dots-1-3-4)
Read memo: Backspace-r (dots-1-2-3-5)
Read previous memo: Backspace-p (dots-1-2-3-4)
Read Next Memo: Backspace-n (dots-1-3-4-5)
Delete Memo: Backspace-d (dots-1-4-5)
Exit and erase position without prompt: Enter-z (dots-1-3-5-6)
Exit and erase marks without prompt: Backspace-z (dots-1-3-5-6)

Document Reader Commands

File commands:
Open File: Enter-O (dots-1-3-5)
Recent Documents list: Enter-R (dots-1-2-3-5
Page Settings: Backspace-P (dots-1-2-3-4)
Voice Settings: Enter-S (dots-2-3-4)
Start Setting: Enter-e (dots-1-5)
Document information: Enter-I (dots-2-4)
Exit and Save Bookmark: Space-Z (dots-1-3-5-6)
Exit and remove bookmark: Enter-Z (dots-1-3-5-6)
Exit without saving bookmark: Backspace-Z (dots-1-3-5-6)

Edit Commands:
Start Selection: Enter-B (dots-1-2)
Copy: Enter-C (dots-1-4)
Add to Clipboard: Enter-P (dots-1-2-3-4)
Clear Clipboard: Enter-D (dots-1-4-5)
Select All: Enter-A (dot-1)

Read Commands:
Toggle Manual/continuous Read Mode: Enter.
Pause/resume reading: Space
Read Selected Text: Backspace-B (dots-1-2)
Read current page: Backspace.
Read current paragraph: Space-2-3-5-6.
Read current line: Space-1-4.
Read current sentence: dots-2-3-5-6.

Go To Commands:
Find: Space-F (dots-1-2-4)
Find Next: Enter-F (dots-1-2-4)
Find Previous: Backspace-F (dots-1-2-4)
Go to location: Enter-G (dots-1-2-4-5-
Go to Headings list: Enter-T (dots-2-3-4-5)
Go to Previous Heading: Backspace-Space-2-3-5
Go to Next heading: Backspace-Space-2-5-6
Move back by double Enter: Backspace-Space-2-3.
Move forward by Double Enter: Space-Enter-5-6.

Mark Commands:
Set Mark: enter-M (dots-1-3-4)
Move to Mark: Enter-J (dots-2-4-5)
Delete Mark: Space-D (dots-1-4-5)
Next Mark: Enter-N (dots-1-3-4-5)
Previous Mark: Backspace-M (dots-1-3-4)
Mark Manager; enter-k (dots-1-3)
Mark Alert options: Backspace-O (dots-1-3-5)

Online DAISY Commands

Move between category and booklist: F3 and Space-F3
Move among list items: Space-1 and Space-4
Download book: Enter
Return book: Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5)

Bookshare Download Commands

Move to next Control: F3
Move to previous control: Space-F3
Move to next item in list: Space-dot-4
Move to Previous item in List: Space-dot-1
Login Settings: Enter-S (dots-2-3-4)
Options: Enter-O (dots-1-3-5)

Address Manager Commands

Navigation When Adding an Address
Move to the previous field or menu item: Space-1 or Up Scroll button
Move to the next field or menu item: Space-4 or Down Scroll button
Move to the first field or menu item: Space-1-2-3
Move to the last field or menu item: Space-4-5-6

Navigation in Search Results List
Move to the previous record: Space-1 or Up Scroll button
Move to the next record: Space-4 or Down Scroll button
Move to the first record: Space-1-2-3
Move to the last record: Space-4-5-6
Move to Record information: F3

General Commands
Add address: Enter-i (dots 2-4)
Find address: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Edit address: Enter-m (dots1-3-4)
Delete address: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)
Select all: Enter-a (dot 1)
Save as a file: Enter-t (dots 2-3-4-5)
Print address: Space-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Backup address list: Enter-u (dots 1-3-6)
Restore address list: Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
Set backup options: Enter-e (dots 1-5)
Setting add/searching address fields: Enter-o (dots 1-3-5)
Import from CSV: Backspace-i (dots 2-4)
Export to CSV: Backspace-x (dots 1-3-4-6)

Schedule Manager Commands

General Commands
Move to the next field: Space-4-5 or F3
Move to the previous field: Space-1-2 or Space-F3
Add appointment: Enter-i (dots 2-4)
Search appointments: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Modify appointment: Enter-m (dots 1-3-4)
Delete appointment: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)
Delete all appointments: Backspace-Enter-q (dots1-2-3-4-5)
Backup appointments: Enter-u (dots 1-3-6)
Restore appointments: Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
Set backup options: Enter-e (dots 1-5)
Alarm options: Enter-o (dots 1-3-5)
Save appointments as file: Enter-t (dots 2-3-4-5)
Print appointments: Space-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Refresh sync with cloud: Backspace-R (dots-1-2-3-5) Navigating Search Results
Move to the previous appointment: Space-2
Move to the next appointment: Space-5
Move to the first appointment: Space-2-3 or Space-1-2-3
Move to the last appointment: Space-5-6 or Space-4-5-6
Move to the previous appointment on the same day: Space-1 or Up Scroll button
Move to the next appointment on the same day: Space-4 or Down Scroll button
Move to the first appointment on the same day: Space-1-3
Move to the last appointment on the same day: Space-4-6
Open Link in Android Browser: Backspace-L (dots-1-2-3)
Open Link in BrailleSense Browser: Enter-L (dots-1-2-3)

Database Mananger Commands

Move to the next control: Tab (Space-4-5 or F3)
Move to the previous control: Shift-Tab (Space-1-2 or Space-F3)
Move to the next list item: Space-4 or down scroll button
Move to the previous list item: Space-1 or up scroll button
Table Manager: enter-T (dots-1-2-4-5)
Create New Table from CSV: Enter-X (dots-1-3-4-6)
Add Table: Enter-A (dot-1)
Modify Table: (Enter-M (dots-1-3-4)
Delete Table: Space-D (dots-1-4-5)
Set as Default Table: Enter-D (dots-1-4-5)
Insert New Record: Enter-I (dots-2-4)
Import Records from CSV: Backspace-I (dots-2-4)
Search records: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Move to the next record: Space-4 or down scroll button
Move to the previous record: Space-1 or up scroll button
Move to the last record: Space-4-5-6
Move to the first record: Space-1-2-3
Move to the next field: Space-5
Move to the previous field: Space-2
Move to previous same field different record: Space-3
Move to next same field different record: Space-6
Move to the last field: Space-4-6
Move to the first field: Space-1-3
Set backup options: Enter-e (dots 1-5)
Backup database: Enter-u (dots 1-3-6)
Restore database: Enter-o (dots 1-3-5)

Web Browser Commands

General Commands
Open URL: Enter-u (dots 1-3-6)
Open: Enter-o (dots 1-3-5)
Save as: Space-s (dots 2-3-4)
Information: Enter-i (dots 2-4)
File Download Dialog: Backspace-3-4
Exit: Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)
Read from beginning to cursor: Backspace-g (dots 1-2-4-5)
Read from cursor to end: Enter-g (dots 1-2-4-5)
Auto scroll: Up Scroll button-Down Scroll button
Start selection: Enter-b (dots 1-2)
Copy: Enter-c (dots 1-4)
Add to clipboard: Enter-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Copy URL: Backspace-d (dots 1-4-5)
Copy link: Backspace-l (dots 1-2-3)
Go to home page: Backspace-h (dots 1-2-5)
Go to previous page: Backspace-Space-3 or Backspace-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Go to next page: Backspace-Space-6 or Backspace-n (dots 1-3-4-5)
Go to previous heading: Backspace-b (dots 1-2)
Go to next heading: Backspace-f (dots 1-2-4)
Go to next heading by level: Alt-heading number.
Go to Previous heading by level: Control-heading number.
Go to previous text chunk: Space-2-4-6
Go to next text chunk: Space-1-2-4-5-6
Go to previous visited link: Space-2-3-6
Go to next visited link: Space-3-5-6
Refresh: Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
Open the history list: Enter-h (dots 1-2-5)
Check the address of the selected title in the history list: Space-i (dots 2-4)
Find: Space-f (dots 1-2-4)
Find again: Enter-f (dots 1-2-4)
Links list: Backspace-i (dots 2-4)
RSS Feed List: Enter-j (dots 2-4-5)
Set current as your home page: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Add to favorites: Backspace-a (dot 1)
Favorites list: Enter-l (dots 1-2-3)
Option settings: Backspace-o (dots 1-3-5)

Hot Keys When Playing Audio Files in Web Browser
Turn up the volume: Space-Up Scroll button
Turn down the volume: Space-Down Scroll button
Play: Play button on the front panel
Stop: Stop button on the front panel

Hot Keys for Reading Web Pages
Move to the previous control: Shift-tab (Space-1-2)
Move to the next control: Tab (Space-4-5)
Select the next item in a combo box (list box): Backspace-Space-4
Select the previous item in a combo box (list box): Backspace-Space-1
Move to previous form control: Space-1-2-3-4-6
Move to next form control: Space-1-3-4-5-6
Move to previous table: Space-3-4-5-6
Move to next table: Space-1-4-5-6
Move to previous cell: Space-2-3
Move to next cell: Space-5-6
Move to upper cell: Space-3-5
Move to lower cell: Space-2-6
Read current cell: Space-2-3-5-6
Move to previous cell of upper level table: Backspace-2-3
Move to next cell of upper level table: Backspace-5-6
Move to upper cell of upper level table: Backspace-3-5
Move to lower cell of upper level table: Backspace-2-6
Check current position: Space-1-5-6
Move to previous frame: Space-3-4-6
Move to next frame: Space-1-4-6
Read current line: Space-r (dots 1-2-3-5)

Excel Viewer Commands

Navigation Commands
Move to next row: Space-Dot 4
Move to previous row: Space-Dot 1
Move to next column: Space-Dot 6
Move to previous column: Space-Dot 3
Move to beginning of row: Space-Dots 1-3
Move to end of row: Space-Dots 4-6
Move to top of column: Space-Dots 2-3
Move to bottom of column: Space-Dots 5-6
Move to top of worksheet: Space-1-2-3
Move to bottom of worksheet: Space-4-5-6
Move to next worksheet: Space-3-4-5
Move to previous worksheet: Space-1-2-6
Move to next group: Backspace-Dots 5-6
Move to previous group: Backspace-Dots 2-3
Move to next group in row: Space-Dot 5
Move to previous group in row: Space-Dot 2
Move to next group in column: Space-Dots 5-6
Move to previous group in column: Space-Dots 2-3

File Commands
Open: Enter-o (dots 1-3-5)
Open Hyperlink: Enter-h (dots 1-2-5)
Set User table: Enter-t (dots 2-3-4-5)
Cell properties: Enter-i (dots 2-4)
Quick Setup: Enter-x (dots 1-3-4-6)
Save as: Space-s (dots 2-3-4)

Go To Commands
Find: Space-f (dots 1-2-4)
Find Next: Enter-f (dots 1-2-4)
Find Previous: Backspace-f (dots 1-2-4)
Move to cell: Enter-j (dots 2-4-5)
Next sheet: Space-3-4-5
Previous sheet: Space-1-2-6
Sheet list: Enter-l (dots 1-2-3)
Set Mark: Backspace-m (dots 1-3-4)
Go to Mark: Backspace-j (dots 2-4-5)
Delete Mark: Backspace-d (dots 1-4-5)

Read Commands
Set Options: Backspace-o (dots 1-3-5)
Sheet title: Space-1-5-6
Read from top of column to cursor: Backspace-Dot 1
Read from cursor to bottom of column: Backspace-Dot 4
Read from beginning of row to cursor: Backspace-Dot 3
Read from cursor to end of row: Backspace-Dot 6
Read current row: Space-c (dots 1-4)
Read current column: Space-y (dots 1-3-4-5-6)
Read header cell of row: Backspace-c (dots 1-4)
Read header cell of column: Backspace-y (dots 1-3-4-5-6)
Read from beginning to cursor: Backspace-g (dots1-2-4-5)
Read from cursor to end: Enter-g (dots 1-2-4-5)
Read One character (When in Cell Activation): Space-Dots 3-6
Read Current Cell: Space-Dots 3-6
Read File Name: Space-Dots 3-4
Read Selected Text: Backspace-b (dots 1-2)

View Commands
View Hide Sheet: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
View Hide Row: Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
View Hide Column: Enter-y (dots 1-3-4-5-6)
Cell Activation: Enter
Activation Cancel: Backspace
Set Time and Date: Enter-d (dots 1-4-5)

Start Selection: Enter-b (dots 1-2)
Select All: Enter-a (dot 1)
Copy Selected Text: Enter-c (dots 1-4)

Sense Dictionary Commands

Install Dictionary Data: enter-I (dots-2-4)
Listen to pronunciation: Space
Move to next line: Space-4
Move to previous line: Space-1
Move to next definition or phrase: Space-5-6
Move to previous definition or phrase: Space-2-3
Move to previous origin or part of speech: Space-2-3-6
Move to next origin or part of speech: Space-3-5-6
Move to previous character: Space-dot-3
Move to next character: Space-dot-6
Move to previous word: Space-dot-2
Move to next word: Space-dot-5
Switch between previous and most recently searched words: Backspace
Bring up the history list: Enter-H (dots-1-2-5)
Clear the history list: Backspace-D (dots-1-4-5)
Move to next item in the history list: Space-dot 4
Move to previous item in the history list: Space-dot-1

Calculator Commands

Clear calculator: Backspace-c (dots 1-4)
Delete numbers or operators: Backspace
Calculation history: Enter-h (dots 1-2-5)
General functions: Enter-g (dots 1-2-4-5)
PI: Enter-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Exp: Enter-e (dots 1-5)
Trigonometric Functions: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Sine: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4), s (dots 2-3-4)
Arc Sine: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4), a (dot 1)
Hyperbolic Sine: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4), h (dots 1-2-5)
Cosine: Enter-i (dots 2-4), i (dots 2-4)
Arc Cosine: Enter-c (dots 1-4), a (dot 1)
Hyperbolic Cosine: Enter-c (dots 1-4), h (dots 1-2-5)
Tangent: Enter-t (dots 2-3-4-5), t (dots 2-3-4-5)
Arc Tangent: Enter-t (dots 2-3-4-5), a (dot 1)
Hyperbolic Tangent: Enter-t (dots 2-3-4-5), h (dots 1-2-5)
Logarithm Function: Enter-l (dots 1-2-3)
Natural Logarithm: Enter-l (dots 1-2-3), e (dots 1-5)
Common Logarithm: Enter-l (dots 1-2-3), n (dots 1-3-4-5)
Recall Items: Backspace-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
Delete all saved items: Enter-d (dots 1-4-5)
Save Items: Backspace-s (dots 2-3-4)
Convert Unit: Enter-u (dots 1-3-6)
Copy to Clipboard: Enter-c (dots 1-4)
Option Settings: Enter-o (dots 1-3-5)
Fraction options: Space-dots 3-4
Return formula: Enter-r (dots1-2-3-5)
Change Braille code: Space-g (dots1-2-4-5)

BrailleSense Math Commands

File Menu Commands
Export: Enter-E (dots-1-5)
Import: “Enter-I (dots-2-4)
Save to History: “Space-S (dots-2-3-4)
History: “Enter-H (dots-1-2-5)
Save Graph As Braille: “Enter-F (dots-1-2-4)
Exit: “Space-Z (dots-1-3-5-6) The Edit Menu
Copy: “Enter-C (dots-1-4)
Cut: “Enter-X” (dots-1-3-4-6)
Paste: “Enter-V (dots-1-2-3-6)
Delete: “Space-D (dots-1-4-5)
Select All: “Enter-A (dot-1)
Start Selection: “Enter-B (dots-1-2)
Copy Graph: “Enter-G (dots-1-2-4-5)
Symbol picker: “Backspace-S (dots-2-3-4)
Set Math Code: “Backspace-G (dots-1-2-4-5)

The Graph Menu
Axis: “Backspace-X (dots-1-3-4-6)
Graph label: “Backspace-L (dots-1-2-3)
Graph Style: Backspace-C (dots-1-4)
Show/Hide graph: “Backspace-H (dots-1-2-5)

The Output Menu
Display Tactile Graph: Enter-T (dots-2-3-4-5)
Send to Embosser: Enter-P (dots-1-2-3-4)

Display Compass Heading Commands

Open Display Compass Heading: Space-F3-F4
Move to the next control: Space-4-5 or F3
Move to the previous control: Space-1-2 or Space-F3
Change compass display type: Backspace or Space
Exit: Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6) or Space-e (dots 1-5)

Alarm Commands

Add Alarm: Enter-A (dot-1)
Modify Alarm: Enter-M (dots-1-3-4)
Delete Alarm: Space-D (dots-1-4-5)

Stopwatch Commands

Stopwatch start, pause, restart: Enter
Check the elapsed time: Backspace
Stop and restart Braille display: Space-F2
Switch between stopwatch and countdown timer: Space-4-5 or Space-1-2
Count down timer pause or restart: Enter
Count down timer Initialize: Backspace
Exit stopwatch or countdown timer: Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)

Terminal For Screen Reader

Enter terminal Clipboard: Space-Enter-i (dots 2-4)
Send Terminal Clipboard content: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Exit terminal for Screen reader: Space-Backspace-z (dots 1-3-5-6)

Macro Commands

Start/stop recording Macro: F2-R (dots-1-2-3-5)
Insert Delay Time: F2-D (dots-1-4-5)
Execute Macro: F2-e (dots-1-5)
Macro Manager: F2-L (dots-1-2-3)

Other Utility Commands

Display network status: Space-n (dots 1-3-4-5)
Display power status: Space-1-6
Format: Space-1-2-3
Set Sleep Timer: Space-j (dots 2-4-5)
Check upgrade download progress: Space-i (dots 2-4)
Check date and time: Space-t (dots 2-3-4-5)

Setting Time and Date

Move to the next day: Space-6
Move to the previous day: Space-3
Move to the next week: Space-5
Move to the previous week: Space-2
Move to the next month: Space-4
Move to the previous month: Space-1
Move to the next year: Space-5-6
Move to the previous year: Space-2-3
Move to 1 hour after: Space-4
Move to 1 hour before: Space-1
Move to 10 minutes after: Space-5
Move to 10 minutes before: Space-2
Move to 1 minute after: Space-6
Move to 1 minute before: Space-3
Switch between A.M. and P.M.: Space-x (dots 1-3-4-6)

Bluetooth Manager Commands

Rescan for Bluetooth devices: Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
Connect device: enter on the device name
Connect service: enter on the service name
Disconnect the service in Bluetooth service list: Enter-d (dots 1-4-5)
Move to Bluetooth device list in service list: Backspace
Remove device settings in Bluetooth device list: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)

Backup/Restore Personalised Settings Commands

Move to previous item: Space-1 or up scroll button
Move to next item: Space-4 or down scroll button
Move to previous control: Shift-tab (Space-1-2 or Space-F3)
Move to next control: Tab (Space-4-5 or F3)
Select/unselect check box: Space
Backup: Enter-b (dots 1-2)
Restore: Enter-r (dots1-2-3-5)

Password Protection Commands

Set password: Enter-i (dots 2-4)
Modify password: Enter-m (dots 1-3-4)
Password configuration: Enter-c (dots 1-4)
Reset to factory defaults: i (dots 2-4)

Screen Reader Commands

Move to next object: Space-4-5 or F3
Move to previous object: Space-1-2 or Space-F3
Move to top of screen: Space-1-2-3
Move to bottom of screen: Space-4-5-6
Scroll down one screen: Space-3-4-5
Scroll up one screen: Space-1-2-6
Execute current item: Enter or Cursor routing key
Back button: Space-e, F4 or Space-Z
Move to specific object: press first letter of object name
Go to Home screen: F1
Activate App Actions Menu: Enter-I on focused app
Open Notification Shade: Space-1-2-3-4-5-6
Activate Notification: Enter
Delete notification: Space-D (dots-1-4-5)
Clear all notifications: Space-Enter-D (dots-1-4-5)
Activate Edit Box: Enter
Increase Slider Value: Backspace-Space-4
Decrease Slider Value: Backspace-Space-1
Double Tap: Space-Enter
Double Tap and Hold: Backspace-Space-Enter
Start/Stop Hold: Backspace-Space-Dot-2
Create label: Enter-L (dots-1-2-3)
Reset BrailleSense Launcher: F2-F3-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Go to next character: Space-6
Go to previous character: Space-3
Go to next word: Space-5
Go to previous word: Space-2
Go to next line: Space-4
Go to previous line: Space-1
Go to next paragraph: Space-5-6
Go to previous paragraph: Space-2-3
Go to beginning of paragraph: Space-1-3
Go to end of paragraph: Space-4-6
Go to top of document: Space-1-2-3
Go to bottom of document: Space-4-5-6
Delete current character: Space-1-4-5
Delete previous character: Backspace
Delete current word: Backspace-2-5
Delete current line: Backspace-1-4
Delete current paragraph: Backspace-2-3-5-6
Move to next display length: Down Scroll
Move to previous display length: Up Scroll

Open Main menu: Stop button
Recent Apps: Play button
Back: Record button
Move to previous object: Previous button
Move to next object: Next button
Android Media play/Pause: Hold Play button
Android previous track: Hold Previous button
Android Next track: hold Next button
Mobile Screen Reader on-off: Stop and Next buttons
Call Google Voice Assistant: Record and Play buttons

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