BrailleSense 6 series Global Options settings

BrailleSense 6 series Global Options settings


A BrailleSense 6 user would like to know what settings are available in Global Options. 

Affected products

  • BrailleSense 6
  • BrailleSense 6 Mini


Below are details of the BrailleSense 6 Global Options settings dialogue.  

Available options

  • Braille display
  • Braille cursor
  • Eight dot mode
  • View/input grade for Braille
  • Braille code (eg. US, UK, UEB etc)
  • Message Display Time
  • Voice
  • Keyboard echo
  • Capitalisation alert
  • Numbers
  • Use Secondary voice
  • Voice volume
  • Voice Rate
  • Voice Pitch
  • Main volume
  • Scroll voice
  • Show virtual braille display
  • Alerts
  • Battery alerts
  • Play power on/off sound
  • Left scroll button
  • Right Scroll button
  • Skip Empty Lines
  • Control Information
  • Hide passwords
  • Hot Key Information
  • Announce shortcut keys
  • Power Button operation
  • Sleep Mode
  • Sleep Mode Kick In
  • Check Today's Schedule
  • One-Handed Mode
  • Enable Spell-check
  • Automatic spell-check
  • Spell Checker Language
  • Default notepad Document Type
  • Default Web search
  • Automatically synchronize with time server
  • Time Announcement
  • Progress indicator
  • Bluetooth
  • Wireless LAN
  • Screen Reader Hints
  • Screen Reader Control Information: (I)
  • Notification alerts: (N).
  • Enable Braille in standby Mode: (N).
  • Language: (L).

Opening Global Options

Menu path:  Settings (S) > Global Options (O)

  1. Press F1 then letter S for Settings then O for Global options or use space-1 or space-4 to navigate menu and press ENTER to select each item.
  2. Navigate global options settings by hotkey letter to take focus to it for example B for Braille Display whilst in Global options.
  3. Navigate Global Options by page ("Space-3-4-5" or "F3-F4") for page down, and (Space-1-2-6 or F1-F2) page up.
  4. Navigate controls individually space-1 up, or space-4 down or use scroll keys.
  5. Press ENTER on a setting to change it, then press spacebar or backspace to change the setting and press ENTER to confirm.
  6. When done with changes press TAB (F3) to move to the Confirm button and press ENTER.
  7. Cancel out of Global Options by pressing F4, Space-E or Space-Z.

Global options detail

Braille display: (B). "Backspace-F3". Toggles the Braille display On/Off.

Braille Cursor: (C). "F4-Up Scroll". Defines how the Braille cursor appears on the Braille display: "Always Up", "Blinking" or "Off". Note the cursor appears as dots-7-8 in most situations. When selecting text, it notes the end of the selection with blinking dots-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8.

Eight Dot Mode: (E). "F4-Up Scroll". Toggles Eight Dot Mode on/off for ASCII text entry.
View/input Braille Grade: (G). "Space-G". Lets you choose what grade of Braille you want to use when viewing/entering text: Uncontracted Braille, Contracted Braille, or Computer Braille.

Braille Code: (C). "Backspace-Enter-B". Defines the rules by which Braille is translated to text and vice versa: "US", "UK", "UEB", or one of several foreign language Braille codes. When foreign language codes are set, you can read and write Braille according to that language's Braille rules. The Braille language also affects lists, combo boxes, and edit boxes. Prompts, menus, buttons and static boxes remain in English.

Message Display Time: (M). defines how the BrailleSense deals with system messages: ignore, stand by until you press a key, or, display for from 1 to 10 seconds before disappearing.
Voice: (V). "Backspace-F2". Toggles the voice output On/Off.

Punctuation Level: (P). Use this setting to choose how you want the BrailleSense to read punctuation marks and symbols: "All", "Off", "Punctuation," or "Symbols".
Keyboard Echo: (K). Defines how BrailleSense speaks as you type: "On with characters and words," "On with characters," "On with words," or "Off".

Capitalization alert: (U). Choose how the BrailleSense alerts you that a character is capitalized, either when typing or when navigating a document or edit box by character: "Off", "Say cap," or "Pitch".

Numbers: (N). Defines how BrailleSense speaks numbers: when set to "On", BrailleSense speaks numbers, and when set to "Off", it speaks digits.

Use secondary Voice: (V). determines wheter text in mixed languages will use a secondary language voice during continuous reading.

Voice Volume: (L). "Backspace-F1 and Backspace-F4". Raises or lowers the volume of the text-to-speech.

Voice Rate: (R). "Space-F1 and Space-F4". Controls the rate of the speech.

**Voice Pitch: **(T). "Enter-F1 and Enter-F4". Adjusts the pitch of the BrailleSense voice.

Main Volume: (V). "Backspace-SPACE-F1 and
Backspace-Space-F4", or the Volume Up and Down buttons. Controls the master volume of the unit, including system sounds, audio and speech.

Scroll Voice: (S). Choose whether you want the BrailleSense to speak while using the scroll buttons as you read.

USB: (U). offered to preserve battery life, as connecting USB 3.0 devices on the MINI drains it very quickly. Using USB 2.0 will preserve battery life, but will also slow down data transfer for USB 3.0 drives, may affect USB 3.0 cameras and other accessories, and will disable video display to external monitors. You may preserve full USB functionality as well as save battery life by disconnecting accessories when they are not in use while using USB 3.0.

Show Virtual Braille Display on HDMI: (B). This option determines if, when you are connected to an HDMI monitor, a visual representation of the braille display and its print translation appears at the bottom of the screen.

Alerts: (A). Choose whether the BrailleSense alerts you to various events using audio signals, vibration signals, both, or no signal.

Battery Alerts: (B). Choose how you are alerted when your battery is low: "Message", "Beep", "Final Message" or "Final Beep".

Play Power On/Off Sound: (P). Choose whether you hear a sound when you turn on/off the BrailleSense.

Left Scroll Buttons: (L). Define the operation of the left scroll buttons: "Scroll display", "Move by line", "Move by character", "Move by paragraph" and "Move by sentence".

Right Scroll Buttons: (R). Define the operation of the Right Scroll buttons with the same options as above.

Skip Empty Lines: (E). Choose to have the BrailleSense alert you to a blank line by announcing "Blank" or skip empty lines.

Control Information: (I). Define where information is announced regarding the type of control on which you are currently located, a list item, menu, combo box, etc. Choose from Before, After and Off.

Hide passwords: (P). Choose whether the characters of a password are hidden as you type them.

Hot Key Information: (H). Defines how hot key information is announced: "Letters," "Dot patterns," or "Off".

Announce shortcut keys: (S). Lets you choose whether the BrailleSense speaks the menu shortcut key for a function as you encounter it.

Power Button operation: (P) “Backspace-Enter-P”. Choose the state your BrailleSense goes in to when the Power button is pressed: “Screen Off”, as in the case of a normal Android phone or tablet, or “Deep Sleep”, which turns off Bluetooth, Wi-fi, etc., similar to a traditional notetaker sleep mode.

Sleep Mode: (P). Set BrailleSense to save power by automatically shutting down after a certain period of time: "On", "Off", or "Message". (Only active when using battery power.)

Sleep Mode Kick In: (K). Use this option to set the time of inactivity before entering SLEEP Mode: 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or 30 minutes.

Check Today's Schedule: (S). Set the BrailleSense to check today's schedule for appointments each time you turn it on.

One-Handed Mode: (H). This option allows users with only the use of one hand to use the BrailleSense in a specific mode adapted for that purpose. For detailed information about one-handed mode, refer to section 2.14.

Enable Spell-check: (C). You may wish to disable spellcheck in educational situations where a student needs to be tested on spelling, etc.  Note: If "Enable Spellcheck" is turned off, Automatic Spellcheck cannot be used.

Automatic spell-check: (C). Set whether the BrailleSense automatically checks spelling as you type in "multi line edit boxes" in programs such as the Schedule Manager, Address Manager, E-mail messages, the Word Processor, etc. If the option is "On", and you enter a misspelled word, BrailleSense emits a beep sound to indicate the misspelling.

Spell Checker Language: (S). determines what language the unit will use when spell checking text.

**Default notepad Document Type: **(Q). Set the default document type for new documents you create using the Notepad: “DOCX document”, "Sense document", "Braille document,", "DOC document" or "Text document".

Default Web search: (W) “Control-alt-W”. determines which source is used when activating the Global Web search hot key, or the hot key for searching the word under your cursor. You can choose from Wikipedia, Wiktionary and Google Search.

Automatically synchronize with time server: (T). Using this feature, you can ensure the accuracy of the time on the BrailleSense by synchronizing with an atomic clock when BrailleSense is connected to the Internet.

Time Announcement: (T). Set the BrailleSense to announce the time every 5 minutes, every 10 minutes, 30 minutes or every hour.

Progress indicator: (P). Defines how the progress of opening a document, copying files or opening a webpage is indicated: "Silent," (no progress indication) "Beep," (continuous beeps while the task is performed) and "Message" (progress is shown as a percentage).

Bluetooth: (B). "Backspace-3-4-5-6". Toggles Bluetooth On/Off.

Wireless LAN: **(W). "Backspace-1-4-5-6". Toggles Wireless LAN On/Off.
Screen Reader Hints: (H). Set whether to receive spoken hints about how to interact with the screen reader as you navigate the controls of 3rd party programs: "On/Off".

Screen Reader Control Information: (I). Determines whether the screen reader speaks the type of control or field as you navigate 3rd party applications: "On/Off".

Notification alerts: (N). Set whether you receive push notifications from Android applications.
Enable Braille in standby Mode: (N). Set whether status messages are shown in Braille while in Sleep Mode.

Language: (L). Allows you to easily change the system language of the unit to any open firmware localization.

Because this is connected specifically to Android Setting, all Android languages appear in this list. If you choose a language for which we do not have a localization, BrailleSense prompts, and menus appear in English. Currently Braille and TTS need to be changed separately via their respective options. Additionally, any open applications need to be closed and re-opened before they will appear in the changed language.

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