Cannot charge Olympus recorder

Cannot charge Olympus recorder


You have one of the following problem symptoms with an Olympus recorder:
• The Olympus recorder does not appear to be charging when plugged in (charge light does not light or goes out shortly after connection.
• The message “Cannot Charge” is displayed on the LCD screen.

Applies to:


There are a number of conditions that my cause this message that require attention detailed below.

Battery option setting – HIMH

  1. Press the MENU button on the recorder and then select the Device option.
  2. Then in the menu select Battery.
  3. If the option for battery type is shown as Alkaline use the buttons to select HIMH instead and press OK to confirm.

USB option – Storage class

  1. While the recorder is during stop mode or turned off, connect the USB cable to the connecting terminal on the bottom of the recorder.
  2. Then while the message “Press OK to start charging” is flashing press the OK button..
  3. Then press the MENU button and choose Device menu, then USB, then USB Class.
  4. When in the USB setting use the buttons to select the “Storage Class” option then press OK button.

Rechargeable batterie may be exhausted:
If the recorder has been used a lot and gone through many charge/discharge cycles the batteries may have become exhausted and no longer able to retain any charge. To fix not powering on issue replace the batteries, there are two options:

  1. Replace the existing set of NIMH AAA rechargeable batteries to continue as normal.
  2. If you do not have rechargeable AAA batteries to hand you can also use non-rechargeable batteries instead. If you choose this option be careful not to attempt to charge them. You may wish to change the battery type to alkaline to disable the charge facility to avoid this risk.

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