Mountbatten - Battery care tips

Mountbatten - Battery care tips


The Mountbatten uses a special rechargeable main battery that provides high current for embossing.  Below are battery care tips that will extend the useful life of the battery.  Failure to follow these guidelines may result in the battery going below critical charge and becoming innoperable.

Use External power where at all possible

If possible, connect the power adapter provided, at all times. Otherwise, use the power adapter overnight to recharge the batteries.

More battery tips

It is important to remember the following battery care tips:

• Each time you switch the Mountbatten on, it will tell you the battery status. It will tell you to charge the battery if it is low.
• It is a good idea to charge the battery overnight.
• If the battery is not re-charged when completely run down, permanent damage can result. Replacing a battery is expensive and often inconvenient.
• It is a good idea to leave the Mountbatten plugged in wherever possible to ensure the battery is kept charged.
• You need to charge your battery for at least 24 hours prior to storing it over period of up to 6 weeks.
• To maintain battery charge when the Mountbatten is disconnected for longer periods, call your supplier and have them disconnect the battery or tell you how to do this.
• You can check the battery status by pressing: newline+space+b. The Mountbatten will tell you either "Battery OK" or "Battery Low". If the battery is low, you must plug it into the power as soon as possible.


The battery is not covered by the warranty. Please take good care of it.

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