Changing/increasing dot impact on a Mountbatten Whisperer

Changing/increasing dot impact on a Mountbatten Whisperer


If dots embossed by the Mountbatten Whisper you can increase the impact force to produce a more prominent dot on paper.


  1. Enable command mode if it is not already turned on by pressing the following keys together back tab + forward tab + new line + spacebar.
  2. Press Command key followed by M, S, and press the space key.
  3. Now enter a number from 1 to 4 using Perkins Braille keys for example
  4. 1 = dot 2, 2 = dot 2 and 3, 3 = dots 2 and 5, 4 = dots 2 5 and 6).
  5. Then press ENTER to confirm the dot impact value.
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