Changing the application launched by Mail key on Dolphin Large Print keyboard

Changing the application launched by Mail key on Dolphin Large Print keyboard


You wish to change the application launched by the Mail key (for example having it open Outlook instead of Windows Mail). This procedure can also be applied for the other keys if you have a desktop icon available for the desired application.


  1. Press Windows+R and enter the text below then click OK to run the registry editor:
  2. In Regedit navigate to the following location:
  1. Within the subkey create a DWORD 32bit value called ‘ShellExecute” without the quotes.
  2. Double click to open the newly created DWORD entry and add the path to the app you wish the key to open eg. Microsoft Outlook.
  3. Then click “OK” and close the registry editor, the adjustment should be immediately available no need to restart.

The Dolphin Keyboard installer included with SuperNova takes over the entry in the following location to allow users to start Supernova using a dedicated key:

Further information

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