JAWS - Convert PDF into Microsoft Word document using

JAWS - Convert PDF into Microsoft Word document using


A JAWS customer wishes to convert a PDF document into Microsoft Word format to make it easier to work with.


  1. Locate the PDF document you wish to convert into text for Microsoft Word and focus on it with Windows Explorer.
  2. Then press either SHIFT+F10 or the Windows Application Menu key.
  3. Then use the arrow keys to move down the menu to the option ‘Convenient OCR to Word with JAWS’ and press ENTER.
  4. The OCR process started will be announced and eventually Microsoft Word will be opened with the text from the file.
  5. If you wish to save the file press F12 whilst in Microsoft Word to save the document, then use normal navigation steps to save the file in a location you can access later.

This feature will not work unless you have Word 2013 or later installed on your machine. If you have an earlier version and wish this feature to work you must upgrade your copy of Microsoft Office.

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