ZoomText - Crash when using spell checker in Microsoft Office apps and Zoomtext 2021

ZoomText - Crash when using spell checker in Microsoft Office apps and Zoomtext 2021


When using Microsoft Office apps and activate the spell checker this causes the application (such as Word) to crash. This behaviour is only observed when Zoomtext 2021 is running.

Applies to

ZoomText/Fusion 2021

Affected Office versions

  1. Office 2016 non-365
  2. Office 2019 non-365


  1. Freedom Scientific have information us that they believe the issue does not occur with Office 365 builds and the issue has been fixed with ZoomText 2022.
  2. The problem may be to do with the AccEvent AHOI module. You can disable the module to avoid the issue however you may find you wish to re-enable it if the change impacts accessibility in Microsoft Office.

Remove AccEvent AHOI module

  1. Click on the ZoomText menu.
  2. Go to ZoomText Support.
  3. In the sub menu click on Fix-it command or Tools.
  4. Into the FixIt command section, type AHOI and click the FixIt button.
  5. Highlight the AHOI module you wish to re-register. (Remember which one you're working with. This case ACCEvent.)
  6. Click the Remove Module button.
  7. Click the Exit button.
  8. Exit and restart ZoomText.

Restore AccEvent module

  1. Click on the ZoomText menu.
  2. Go to ZoomText Support.
  3. In the sub menu click on Fix-it command or Tools.
  4. Into the FixIt command section, type AHOI and click the FixIt button.
  5. Click on the Add Module... button.
  6. Highlight the appropriate module (This case ACCEvent) or select them all and click the Open button.
  7. Click the Exit button.
  8. Exit and restart ZoomText.