JAWS - Manually create a authorisation file

JAWS - Manually create a authorisation file


You need to install an authorisation for a JAWS install.

  • You need to manually install authorisation for a machine that is not connected to internet.
  • When attempting to activate manually you get error validating license code and the license is correct and there is no network license.


  1. First check the locking code from the "About JAWS" box or from the activation wizard.  In normal circumstances this will be prefixed 100 at the beginning of the string.
  2. One must then  conduct a manual authorisation using the locking code above and and 20 digit ILM code.

Obtain activation and create authorisation file

  1. Start JAWS, then in the JAWS window choose Help > About window and note down the locking code for the target machine..  The code should be pre-fixed with 100 before a dash separates with the other half of the code.
  2. Then go to:  https://fsactivate.freedomscientific.com/Activation/RetrieveActivationLicenseCode
  3. Enter 20 digit ILM code and the locking code into their respective input boxes, then click Submit License Request. 
  4. A page with the Activation License Code will be displayed, please highlight and copy this code to clipboard. 
  5. Open Notepad.exe application, then click Format > Word Wrap so that Word Wrap is disabled.
  6. Then past in the license code, this should show occupying a single line.
  7. Click File > Save As then click to change file type to All Files *.* format. 
  8. Then add the name JAWS.CPS and click Save button.

Manually install authorisation

  1. Navigate to the location JAWS.CPS has been saved from the above instructions, please, check that it shows as JAWS.CPS where CPS is shown as the file extension.  If not make the following modifications to the File view settings:

    show hidden files = off
    show protected operating system files = on
    hide file extensions for known file types = off

  2. Then copy this JAWS.CPS file to clipboard.
  3. Then navigate as to the following folder:

    C:\ProgramData\Freedom Scientific\Licenses

  4. Delete any CPS files shown here as they may be invalid authorisation files. 
  5. Then right click in the folder to paste in the new JAWS.CPS file.
  6. After doing the steps above stop and restart JAWS, check in the About dialogue that the customer serial number and that 801 or 789 are not shown.

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