FS Install - Customise install of Freedom Scientific product

FS Install - Customise install of Freedom Scientific product


An IT technician may be tasked with installing Freedom Scientific BLV products JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion for an organisation that requires customisation of the install with particular pre-configured settings upon install.  

Affected products

  • JAWS
  • ZoomText
  • Fusion


To customise the install for deployment in organisational settings


Please review the below steps to carry out customisation of the install.

  1. Ensure you have the installer package contained within a folder that is conveniently located.
  2. Then run the installer with the /ExtractAdditionalSettings command line argument. The command line should look similar to below:
PackageName.exe /ExtractAdditionalSettings [INI filename] [Setup type]

PackageName.exe = product installer with full path to installer
[path to INI file] = INI filename
[Setup type] = the following:

To obtain the path for the installer highlight the file and press control+shift+f10 and choose Copy as path in the context menu. When specifying the path for the /ExtractAdditionalSettings switch use the same path as the installer for convenience running the installer again.

  1. When run as above the command will extract a settings INI file to the same location as the folder.
  2. Open the INI file to make ammendments to customise install options and save the file.
  3. Then run the installer without any argument and this should then refer to the amended INI file during installation.