JAWS - Customize list view no longer available in Outlook

JAWS - Customize list view no longer available in Outlook


The customise list view option in JAWSKey+F2 menu is missing when using Microsoft Outlook.

Applies to

  1. JAWS


Customise list view feature was removed in version 2022 as it duplicates a feature already found in Outlook under the View ribbon.

You can re-order the viewable columns using the steps below:

  1. In Outlook whilst in the inbox or another folder you wish to customise press the following keys in sequence Alt, V, CV
  2. Tab to Modify button and press spacebar.
  3. Then press spacebar on Columns button in the next dialogue.
  4. Press TAB or press ALT+W to navigate to the show columns in this order list.
  5. Find an item in the list you wish to move.
  6. To move the item up press ALT+U to mover the item down press ALT+D to move down.
  7. Repeat in the list view until you have everything in the order required.
  8. When done press tab to reach the OK button and press spacebar on it.
  9. Then press TAB to reach the Apply View button and press spacebar on it.
  10. Then press TAB to reach the Apply View button in this dialogue and press spacebar.
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