Microsoft - Disable automatic numbered or bulleted lists in Microsoft Word

Microsoft - Disable automatic numbered or bulleted lists in Microsoft Word


Some users may wish to prevent Microsoft Word from automatically generating automatic bulleted or numbered lists as you type.


Please use either set of instructions for mouse or keyboard below.

Method 1 - using the mouse

  1. Select the File menu.
  2. Select Options.
  3. Select the Proofing tab on the left pane.
  4. Select AutoCorrect Options….

  1. Select the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

  1. Uncheck the Automatic bulleted lists and Automatic numbered lists options. Click OK.

Method 2 - Using the keyboard

These instructions can be used by those who use the keyboard to navigate applications to disable the automatic lists feature in Microsoft Word:

  1. Press ALT+F for File menu and down arrow to “options” then press ENTER.
  2. In the dialogue use the arrow keys to navigate to “proofing” in the category list on the left.
  3. From the category list press TAB to reach the “AutoCorrect options” button and press spacebar to activate it.
  4. Then press CONTROL+TAB to reach the Autoformat as you type dialogue tab.
  5. In AutoCorrect options dialogue press TAB to read the Automatic bulleted lists checkbox and press spacebar on it to disable automatic bulleted lists as you type.
  6. Then press TAB until you reach the Automatic numbered lists and press spacebar to disable automatic bulleted lists as you type.
  7. Then press TAB to reach the OK button, then press SPACEBAR on it.
  8. Do the same in the main options dialogue also to complete the changes.

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