FS Install - Disable use of external Services

FS Install - Disable use of external Services


An organization who wishes to install a Freedom Scientific product without online facilities enabled.  This may be a regulatory requirement in secure locations.

  1. The /DisableExternalServices switch does not disable remote access features.
  2. For more information, run the setup package with the switch /Help to obtain a list of command line switches.


  • Starting with the April 2021 releases of JAWS, ZoomText, and Fusion, a new Installation Command line option for disabling external Services when performing a full install,
  • IT professionals and network administrators can add the /DisableExternalServices command line option to turn off all product features that reach out to the internet. For example:
c://InstallerPackage.exe /DisableExternalServices

  • Once JAWS, ZoomText, or Fusion is installed after using this command line option, features that are no longer available for use include the following:

  1. Research It
  2. FS Support Tool (All products)
  3. Voice Assistant (all products)
  4. Error Reporting (All products)
  5. JAWS Tandem (JAWS/Fusion)
  6. Picture Smart (JAWS/Fusion)
  7. Anonymous Usage Data Collection (All products)

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