FS Install - Error 8A280A12 posted during installation of Freedom Scientific 2022 products

FS Install - Error 8A280A12 posted during installation of Freedom Scientific 2022 products


When you run a JAWS/Zoomtext/Fusion installer on Windows 7.0 you receive the error code 8A280A12 and are told you cannot install on a Windows version older than Windows 10.


Please note that from 2022 onwards JAWS/Zoomtext/Fuision no longer support Windows 7.0 and will only work on Windows 10 and above.

You will therefore need to use version 2021 or below as apropriate to your authorisatrion.

Please direct your browser to either of the pages below selecting the product version required in the drop down box.

Previous versions of JAWS

Previous versions of Zoomtext

Previous versions of Fusion

On either of the pages use the drop down box to select the version appropriate to your authorisation.