ZoomText - Setup error installing "FSWowProxy64" component

ZoomText - Setup error installing "FSWowProxy64" component


Whilst installing Zoomtext you receive the error referencing the "FSWowProxy64" component


Please try the recommendations below to make sure that the error does not appear:
* Perform the install on a computer that is connected to the internet. Windows may be able to retrieve the required certificates automatically and apply them.
* Install any available Windows Updates. These updates should install the missing certificates.
* Update distributed trusted root certificates in an Enterprise Environment:
In some enterprise environments, automatic certificate downloading is intentionally disabled. The following page discusses ways for enterprise environment to update the certificates manually. The user may need to contact a system administrator to have them apply the update:
* Manually install the missing certificates on the machine:
The following is a page from GlobalSign that contains a download for the root certificate in-use. There are other downloads on the page as well so the user should be sure to download the correct certificate.
GlobalSign Root CA – R1:

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