FS Auth – Manual offline license activation

FS Auth – Manual offline license activation


A Freedom Scientific JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion user receives an error during online activation.

Applies to

  1. JAWS
  2. ZoomText
  3. Fusion


A license is required to allow access to all feature and demo limitations on Freedom Scientific products.  If when activating online the activation process is unable to complete the full exchange of details it may be better to use manual activation to workaround the problem.  Provided below are instructions using a mouse or keyboard to complete the task.

In an organisations or businesses where computers are maintained by IT staff please log in with Administrator credentials to perform activation of a license.

Using a mousse

  1. When the product is running respond to the pop-up activation window by choosing Start Activation button to commence activation.
  2. When prompted for activation method please choose Manual Activation and click Next button.
  3. On the next screen you may be prompted to enter the Authorisation Number and Activation License code.
  4. Enter the 20 digit authorisation number into the appropriate edit field.
  5. Then open the website:  https://fsactivate.freedomscientific.com/ then click the link Retrieve an Activation License Code.
  6. On the next screen copy the 20 digit ILM code and Locking Code numbers into their respective edit boxes on the Freedom Scientific activation page, then click Submit button.
  7. On the next page observe an activation code will be displayed; either click the Copy code button or highlight, the copy the complete code into the clipboard.
  8. Then go back to the activation wizard and right click the Activation License Code edit box and choose Paste.
  9. With all the fields populated click Next and then Finish buttons when they appear to complete activation.

Using the keyboard

  1. When the product is running respond to the pop-up activation window by pressing ENTER on Start Activation button.
  2. On the next screen use the arrow keys to select the option Activate manually and press ENTER.
  3. On the next screen TAB to find the Authorisation number edit box, then enter or copy/jpaste the 20 digit ILM code for the license.
  4. In a browser open the website:  https://fsactivate.freedomscientific.com/ then TAB to Retrieve An Activation License Code link and press ENTER.
  5. On the next page copy the 20 digit ILM for the license then paste it into the Authorisation number edit box and press TAB.
  6. Then go back to the activation wizard nd TAB to the Locking Code edit box and press CONTROL+C to copy this information.
  7. Return to the activation web page, then paste the Locking Code number into the Locking Code edit field and press TAB followed by ENTER or SPACEBAR to retrieve an Activation License Code.
  8. On the next page Activation License Code is displayed.  Press TAB to reach the Copy button and press SpACEBAR on it.
  9. Then move back to the activation wizard and press TAB to reach the Activation License Code edit field and press CONTROL+V to paste in the code.
  10. Then press TAB to reach Next button then press SPACEBAR on it.
  11. When the Finished button is displayed press ENTER to complete offline activation.