FS install - error 80070643 troubleshooting

FS install - error 80070643 troubleshooting


During installation of the latest version of a Freedom Scientific product may fail/roll back changes and then display the error 80070643 on screen.


Below is an example screenshot you may see for this problem.

Affected products

  • JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion

The error 80070643 may also present on a JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion install if Openbook has already been installed prior to installation of JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion.  To resolve the problem uninstall Openbook, then reinstall JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion and reinstall Openbook last.


Please try the following to resolve the issue to get the software installed.

Method 1 – download the offline installer for the product

The installer may fail in managed IT environments where downloading is restricted. To fix the problem download the offline installer for the product of the same version that the regular online installer has failed.

Method 2 – C++ redistributable package version conflicts

The problem may be due to conflict with the currently installed versions of C++ redistributable packages and the version that the Freedom Scientific product installer is attempting to install. To resolve this conflict please remove all 32 and 64bit C++ Redistributable packages. Restart the machine and run the installer again to see if it will go all the way through.

Method 3 - Run System File Checker

The problem may be due to problems with the core image files of Windows being corrupt. Plerase open an elevated command prompt and run the System File Checker, further details here:
After completing the SFC check restart the computer and try the installer again.

Method 4 – Group policies

If possible consider disabling any group policies on the machine to ensure none of these are causing an issue with the installation.

Method 5 – Silent install/uninstall

Try running a silent install/uninstall to complete the action. Use the silent uninstall if you are attempting to remove a product from the computer, details here:

Method 6 – Try earlier product installer

The problem may be that the latest product does not work with an older build of the target computer operating system such as Windows 10 1904. If installing to an older Windows build try visiting the offline installer page for the product and selecting an earlier version in the drop down:

If the above works continue to install the latest version of the product if the license permits.