An IT technician is tasked with creating a customized Fusion install or creating a deployment image.
Below listed are command-line switches for customizing the Fusion install. This list can be obtained by using the /Help and /morehelp command-line switches.
The setup package is a tool used to install or uninstall multiple components, including the main product. The following explains the available, optional command-line options. These commands are not case sensitive.
Displays this help dialog. The installation process is not performed.
c:\package.exe /help
/ExtractSettings <Path-to-file>
Outputs the contents of Settings.ini to the output file specified. The installation process is not performed. If the output file already exists, it is overwritten. If there are spaces in the path to the file, the path must be enclosed in quotes.
c:\package.exe /ExtractSettings "c:\FS setup\OldSettings.ini"
/ReplaceSettings <Path-to-file>
Specifies an initialization file for the setup package engine to use instead of the Settings.ini file stored in the resources. This flag can be used if any of the contents in Settings.ini must be overridden. If there are spaces in the path to the file, the path must be enclosed in quotes.
c:\package.exe /ReplaceSettings "c:\FS setup\NewSettings.ini"
/ExtractAdditionalSettings <Path-to-file> <File-Type>
Outputs an example of AdditionalSettings.ini to the specified file. The installation process is not performed. If the output file already exists, it is overwritten. If the file path includes spaces, the path must be enclosed in quotes. When the type is specified, an AdditionalSettings.ini file containing predefined setup options is extracted. Use the /MoreHelp command-line option to view a list of available setup types.
c:\package.exe /ExtractAdditionalSettings "c:\FS setup\AdditionalSettings.ini" Default
/Log [Path-to-file]
Allows the user to specify the location of the setup package log file. Logging is enabled even if this command line argument is not specified.
c:\package.exe /Log "c:\myFolder\mySetup.log"
The log file is created under c:\myFolder\mySetup.log.
Silently runs the setup without displaying any dialog boxes or prompts.
c:\package.exe /Silent
/Layout [Path-to-folder]
Downloads the non-embedded installer files and creates a copy of the setup package in the folder specified. This allows a user to run the setup package and perform an installation or repair on an offline computer. To do this, the setup package and installer files must be in the same folder.
If there are spaces in the path to the folder, the path must be enclosed in quotes.
c:\package.exe /Layout "c:\FS setup\OfflineSetup"
The installer files are downloaded to the c:\FS setup\OfflineSetup folder.
/Type <name>
Specifies the setup type to use instead of the default. To view a list of available setup types, use the /MoreHelp command-line option.
c:\package.exe /type Safe
/ILMAuthorize <Product-to-Authorize> <ILM-Authorization-Code>
Uses the provided product name and ILM authorization code to activate the product on the first run. The product name provided is the product the license is meant for.
c:\package.exe /ILMAuthorize Fusion XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
/Language <LanguageCodes>
Specifies the comma delimited list of the three letter language codes of the product languages to use instead of only the Operating System Language. These languages are used when performing a clean install or a Layout. During an install, the first product language specified will be used to determine the language of the shortcuts, the default synthesizers, and the default braille drivers. For actions like an update or a repair, the previously installed product languages will be used and this option will be ignored. To view a list of supported language codes, use the /MoreHelp command-line option.
Install Example:
c:\package.exe /Language deu,enu,esn
The German, English, and Spanish product languages are installed.
The German shortcuts, default synthesizers, and default Braille drivers are installed.
Layout Example:
c:\package.exe /Language deu,enu,esn /Layout "c:\FS setup\OfflineSetup"
The installer files for the German, English, and Spanish product languages are downloaded to the c:\FS setup\OfflineSetup folder.
/InstallerUILanguage <LanguageCode>
Specifies the three letter language code of the user interface display language to use instead of the Operating System Language. To view a list of supported language codes, use the /MoreHelp command-line option.
c:\package.exe /InstallerUILanguage enu
All dialogs and prompts are displayed in English.
/ComponentRequested <Components>
Specifies the comma delimited list of optional components to enable.
c:\package.exe /ComponentRequested PreviousJAWSVersion2
Disables all product features that connect to external services over the internet. Only applied during an install.
c:\package.exe /DisableExternalServices
Displays additional help information, if available, about the setup package such as a list of setup types. The installation process is not performed.
c:\package.exe /MoreHelp
The following is additional help information about the setup package command-line options. These commands are not case sensitive.
/Type <SetupTypeName>
Specifies the setup type to use instead of the default. The following is a list of available setup types:
Silently installs a typical installation without displaying any installation dialog boxes or prompts.
Repairs an existing installation. During the repair, progress dialogs are displayed and a clicking tone is played. At the end, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
Silently repairs an existing installation without displaying any installation dialog boxes or prompts.
Uninstalls an existing installation.
Silently uninstalls an existing installation without removing shared components.
Silently uninstalls an existing installation and the shared components.
/ExtractAdditionalSettings <Path-to-file> <File-Type>
Outputs an example of AdditionalSettings.ini to the specified file. The installation process is not performed. If the file path includes spaces, the path must be enclosed in quotes. If the output file already exists, it is overwritten. When the type is specified, an AdditionalSettings.ini file containing predefined setup options is extracted. Available setup types include:
Extracts an example AdditionalSettings.ini file to the specified path with commented out options for sections.
Extracts an AdditionalSettings.ini file to the specified path that disables and prevents the install of product features that connect to external services over the internet. This file should not be used with the /DisableExternalServices command-line option. It is intended as an alternative for Administrators who want more setup customization than the command-line option provides.
/Language <LanguageCodes>
Specifies the comma delimited list of the three letter language codes of the product languages to use instead of only the Operating System Language. These languages are used when performing a clean install or a Layout. During an install, the first product language specified will be used to determine the language of the shortcuts, the default synthesizers, and the default braille drivers. For actions like an update or a repair, the previously installed product languages will be used and this option will be ignored. The following is a list of supported language codes:
Arabic: arb
Danish: dan
German: deu
English: enu
Spanish: esn
Finnish: fin
French: fra
French Canadian: frc
Hebrew: heb
Hungarian: hun
Italian: ita
Belgian Dutch: nlb
Dutch: nld
Norwegian: nor
Brazilian Portuguese: ptb
Russian: rus
Swedish: sve
/InstallerUILanguage <LanguageCode>
Specifies the three letter language code of the user interface display language to use instead of the Operating System Language. The following is a list of supported language codes:
Arabic: arb
Danish: dan
German: deu
English: enu
Spanish: esn
Finnish: fin
French: fra
French Canadian: frc
Hebrew: heb
Hungarian: hun
Italian: ita
Belgian Dutch: nlb
Dutch: nld
Norwegian: nor
Brazilian Portuguese: ptb
Russian: rus
Swedish: sve