Hable One - Problem solving guide

Hable One - Problem solving guide

Information - Hable One - Problem solving guide

Hello, you are probably here because something is not working with your Hable One. Before you start looking at specific questions, make sure your Hable One is set to the right settings. Almost all issues can be resorted by following checking the steps below.

The Hable One is not working

Start by making sure that the Hable One is charged. When you turn the slider on, the Hable One should give a vibration. When this isn’t the case, charge the Hable One using the USB-C charger that was provided in the box.

The Hable One is not connecting: Bluetooth Issues

  • Option 1: Make sure the Hable One is turned on and not connected to another device. You know the Hable One is connecting to a device when it gives a second vibration after you turned it on. Only the smartphone/ tablet you would like to connect to should have Bluetooth switched on.
  • Option 2: This step is only if you are sure that the Hable is not connected to other devices. Hable will only vibrate once. Make sure you look for the Hable One in the ‘other devices’ section of the Bluetooth menu. If the Hable One does not appear, turn of the phone and the Hable One and turn them on again.
  • Option 3: If all these measures do not work, you can reset the Bluetooth bonds of the Hable One. Do this by going to the Hable Menu. Next hold the ‘r’ (button 1,2,3, and 5). Now, try options 1 or 2 again.

Hable One is connected, but does not respond or works incorrectly

  • Option 1: Make sure your Hable One is set to the correct operating system. If you are connected to an iPhone or iPad, set the Hable One to iOS mode. You can do this by going to the Hable Menu. Access the Hable Menu by holding button 1 to 6 till you feel a vibration. Next hold button 2, you will feel 2 vibrations. If you are connected to an Android phone or tablet, put the Hable One to Android mode. First access the Hable Menu again. Next hold button 1, you will feel 3 vibrations.
  • Option 2: Make sure your Hable One is set to the correct language. First access the Hable Menu (hold button 1 to 6 till you feel a vibration). Next set it to right language:
  • a. Hold ‘e’ (button 1 and 5) for English.
  • b. Hold ‘d’ (button 1,4 and 5) for Dutch.
  • c. Hold ‘b’ (button 1 and 2) for Belgium.
  • d. Hold ‘f’ (button 1,2 and 4) for French.
  • e. Hold ‘g’ (button 1,2,4 and 5) for German.
  • Option 3: You can flip the braille cell. Which switches around button 1 and 3, and button 4 and 6. Make sure your buttons are calibrated to your preferred way of working with the Hable. To switch the buttons around, first access the Hable Menu. Next, hold the ‘x’ (button 1,3,4 and 6). If you want to switch back, simply repeat this action.
  • Option 4: When you are using the Hable to use VoiceOver, make sure quick navigation is enabled. You enable quick navigation by holding button 3. Every time you enter a text field quick navigation will automatically be disabled so you can perform text editing functions. So, every time you are leaving a text make sure to enable quick navigation.

Lastly, the Hable One can connect with any device using Bluetooth. However, this does not mean that navigation works with any device. For example, you can type with the Hable One on your PC, but you cannot navigate your screen reader.

Unlocking the phone with Hable One

Unlocking your phone using the Hable One only works by entering the passcode. Finger touch or face ID does not work without the phone. You can unlock your phone by pressing any button on the Hable One. Next, you need to navigate to the field where you can enter your code. For some phones you will first need to hold the ‘h’ (buttons 1,2 and 5). Next navigate to the field where you can enter your code. Do this by using the 7 and 8 button. Once you are in the correct field enter this field by pressing 7 and 8 simultaneously. Subsequently, enter your code, make sure to first enter the number sign in braille.

Entering punctuation marks and symbols

In the manual you will find a complete overview of all punctuation marks and how you type them using the Hable One. You can find the manual here.

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