Index – Manual/offline V5 firmware upgrade from memory drive

Index – Manual/offline V5 firmware upgrade from memory drive


A customer way need their embosser firmware updating to the latest version to fix a problem. However, in some educational and business environments those embosser do not have direct access to internet to download online.


Use the steps below to perform an upgrade with a memory drive with the firmware copied onto it.


Index protect their firmware/driver downloads behind an account. You may need to create an account before downloading.

  1. Download the latest V5 firmware from Index at this link:
  2. When locating the correct firmware check you have the right version similar to the example here:
  3. Save the V5 firmware file to a USB memory stick.
  4. Insert the USB memory stick into the V5 printer.
  5. Start the upgrade by pressing: MENU > User service > Firmware upgrade > Firmware upgrade from USB memory stick and press OK to start.
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