Index V4 embosser service commands

Index V4 embosser service commands


Below service commands are availalable for V4 embossers running firmware version 1.5.2 or above. (Not to be confused with the boot-time service mode or service cable.)

Entering service mode manually

To enter service mode manually press CHS during the first beep at startup. The time limit is 2 seconds for this.

Adjust "paper feed alignment" via keyboard.

Press [FEED]+[10] to enter service mode.
Press [10] to enter "Adjust paper feed alignment mode".

Possible actions in "Adjust paper feed alignment mode"
[ON] : Print test page (no save).
[UP] : Embosser says current value for paper feed alignment length.
[DOWN] : Embosser says current value for paper feed alignment length.
[10] : Increase/decrease paper feed alignment length by 3 "steps".
[1] : Increase/decrease paper feed alignment length by 1 "step".
[CHS] : Switch between Increase and Decrease.
[OK] : Save new setting and print test page.
[LEFT] : Return to service mode.

Notes on adjusting paper feed alignment length:
The "paper feed alignment"-value is added to the "paper feed step"-value to compute the actual paper feed step length used by the embosser.
One "step" is equal to a distance of 0.0005 mm
Negative values for "paper feed alignment" can be used.

Adjust "distance from wall" via keyboard.

Press [FEED]+[10] to enter service mode.
Press [1] to enter "distance from wall - adjustment mode".
Embosser head 1 is always selected first, when entering "distance from wall - adjustment mode".
Embosser will now say the "distance from wall" setting for embosser head 1.

Possible actions in "paper feed adjustment mode"
[ON] : Print test page (no save).
[UP] : Say current "distance from wall"-setting for selected embosser head.
[DOWN] : Select next embosser head.
[10] : Increase/Decrease distance from wall setting by 0.25 mm
[1] : Increase/Decrease distance from wall setting by 0.1 mm
[CHS] : Switch between Increase and Decrease.
[OK] : Save new setting and print test page.
[LEFT] : Return to service mode.

Notes on adjusting distance from wall:
Changes are always made to the selected embosser head. In order to make changes to several embosser heads, select each of the desired embosser heads in turn and make the settings you want for that head. When [OK] is pressed the settings for all the headers will be saved.
Selecting embosser head is done by using [DOWN].
Currently it is not possible to interrupt the synthetic speech; the entire phrase must be said before it is possible to interact with the embosser via the keyboard. (Development is looking into making this possible in the future.)
Instructions on how to print out a debug report.

Press [HELP]+[1] to print debug report.

Depending on which paper is currently selected for use, 2 or more pages

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