HIMS - Install Sense Bible app with notes

HIMS - Install Sense Bible app with notes


Below are instructions for installing the Sense Bible app and accompanying notes.

Applies to 

  1. U2 series
  2. BraillleSense 6 Series

Sense Bible For Android Notetakers

The Sense Bible program, available for all of the Sense Notetakers, contains 5 Bible versions.

• King James Version (KJV)
• New King James Version (NKJV)
• New International Version (NIV)
• New Living Translation (NLT)
• New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

1. Download and Installation

You may download the Sense Bible for the Polaris and BrailleSense 6 from the links below: * Note: There are two files to download.

  1. The first file is the Sense Bible app. Please unzip the file and copy a folder called "Contents" to the root of your flashdisk.
  2. Once done, press F1 to return to the main menu, and press Backspace-Space-Enter-I.
  3. You will receive prompts that the sense Bible is installing, quickly followed by the notification that it has finished.
  4. Unzip the second file "SenseBibleData". Inside there is a folder called "senseBible". Please copy this to the root of the flashdisk.
  5. The Sense Bible should appear in a newly-created menu called "Programs".

2. Opening and using the Sense Bible

You can open the Sense Bible by pressing enter on it from within the "Programs" menu, or with the global hot-key "F2-B".
When you execute the Sense Bible, the 5 available versions of the Bible are displayed. Move among the versions with "Space-1" and "Space-4". To access one of the versions, place your cursor on it and press "Enter", or use one of the hot-keys below:
• King James Version: Backspace-K.
• New King James Version: Backspace-N.
• New International Version: Backspace-I.
• New Living Translation: Backspace-L.
• New Revised Standard Version: Backspace-R.

  • Note: these hot keys can be used anywhere in the program to open their associated Bible versions.

3. The Open Book dialog.

The "Open Book" dialog consists of a list box containing the 66 books of the Bible, an edit box where you can enter chapter and verse, a "Move to Bookmark" button, a "Confirm" button, and a "Cancel" button.
You are placed in the list box. You can navigate the booklist using "Space-1" and "Space-4". You can move among the items in the dialog by using "F3" and "Space-F3".
When searching the Bible, it is useful to know the abbreviation of the book you wish to access, as it can be entered directly in to the edit box, along with chapter and verse. However, if you are new to the program, or do not know the abbreviation of the book you wish to access, you may also choose the book from the provided list of the 66 books of the Bible.
In the search edit box, You are prompted for "Book name, Chapter and Verse?" with "GE 1:1" displayed by default as Genesis chapter 1, verse 1 is the first verse of the Bible.
When entering chapter and verse, you must place a colon, (dots-2-5)" between them. (If using computer Braille, use dots 1-5-6.) For example, if you search for chapter 5 and verse 7 in the book of Matthew, you need to type "Mt 5:7".
Press "Enter". The Bible should open on the passage you requested.
Use the following keystrokes to navigate the Bible.
• Go to previous line: Space-dot 1.
• Go to next line: Space-dot 4.
• Go to Previous verse: Space-dots-2-3.
• Go to next verse: Space-dots-5-6.
• Go to next chapter: Space-dots-3-4-5.
• Go to previous chapter: Space-dots1-2-6.
• Go to beginning of current book: Space-dots-1-2-3.
• Go to end of current book: Space-dots-4-5-6.
• Go to Previous book: Space-2-3-6.
• Go to Next Book: Space-3-5-6.
• Go to Books list: Backspace-B.
• Go to Previous Bible version: Space-F3.
• Go to next Bible version: F3.
• Get current Bible Information: Space-3-4.

4. The Menu

While reading the bible, you can access a variety of features by using the program menu. The Sense bible menu consists of the following items: File, Edit, Read, Go To, Bookmark, and Options.
• The File Menu Consists of shortcuts to the various Bible versions, and an item to check the current Sense Bible software version.
• The Edit menu contains items for searching for, selecting, and capturing Bible text.
• The Read menu contains shortcuts for reading from cursor to end, and auto scroll.
• The Go To menu consists of the hot-keys listed in the previous section for navigating the Bible program.
• The Bookmark menu allows you to set both temporary and permanent bookmarks and navigate to them.
• The Options menu allows you to set how search and capture ranges are displayed, and which Bible versions appear in the Tab order.

5. Bookmarks and marked positions

A bookmark allows you to permanently mark the current passage or location so you can easily return to it later.
If you try to set a bookmark when one has already been set, you are asked if you wish to modify the location of the bookmark. You may choose "Yes" to move the bookmark to the current position, or "No" to leave the bookmark in the previously marked location.
Use the following keys to interact with a bookmark.
• Set a bookmark: Enter-M.
• Jump to the bookmark: Enter-J.
• Delete the set bookmark: Space-D.

In addition to setting a permanent bookmark, you can temporarily mark a position and easily move among the marked locations.
Use the following keystrokes to interact with marked positions:
• Mark current position: Backspace-M.
• Go to previous marked position: Backspace-dot 3.
• Go to next marked position: Backspace-dot-6.
• Delete marked position: Enter-D.

6. Find

Press "Space-F" to open the "Find" dialog box. The "Find" dialog consists of the following items:

  1. Edit box: Type the word that you want to find.
  2. Range: Use "Space-dot-1" and "Space-dot-4" to choose the portion of the Bible you wish to search for the word you typed in the edit box. * If you do not select a specific range, the unit executes a search of the current book.
  3. Result type: Choose among 3 methods.
    a. A. Display the result in Braille: After executing the search, you can move among the instances of your search by pressing "Enter-F" to move to the next instance of the searched string, and "Backspace-F" to move to the previous instance of the text.
    b. Save to a file: If you choose this option, after executing the search, the result count is announced, and the results are displayed in a list as when choosing to display in Braille. In addition, the results of your search are saved to a text file located in the "Documents" folder of your flashdisk named “senseBible” along with the Bible version, chosen range, and searched term, separated by underscores.
    c. Display the result count: This option displays how many times the searched word appears within your search range.
  4. Find button.
  5. Cancel button:

7. Copying and Capturing Text

You can highlight a block of text while reading the Bible and interact with the selected text just as you can with text in any other document on the Sense notetaker.
Press "Enter-B" to mark the beginning of the text you wish to select. Navigate up or down through the text until you reach the end of the text you wish to highlight. You can copy the selection to the clipboard by pressing "Enter-C".
In addition to the standard block commands, the Bible program also allows you to perform a "capture" of the blocked text by pressing "Backspace-C"
When you capture the contents of a block, it is saved to a file named "SenseBible.txt" located in the "Documents" folder of your flashdisk.
When you execute the capture command, you are prompted for a memo. This allows you to make a note on the selected text if you wish. You may also choose to leave this blank. Press "Enter" to execute the capture.
When you capture a block of text from the Bible, the capture includes the Bible version from which the text was copied, the range of the capture according to chapter and verse, the text itself, and any notes you have written in the Memo field.
Each capture is appended to the original capture file. If you wish to save captures in different files, you can rename the file containing the current capture, and the SensBible.txt file is recreated when the next capture is performed.

8. Sense Bible Options

The Options dialog contains 2 settings:

  1. Range Description, short, Long or None. This determines how the range is notated when a selection is captured. "Short" uses abbreviations, "Long" does not, and "None" displays only the captured text without noting the range.
  2. Display Bible version: This setting allows you to choose which of the Bible versions are located in the Tab order for navigation between versions. * Note: even if you choose to exclude a Bible version from the Tab order for common use, you can still access it using its global hot-key as described in section 2.

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