JAWS and Fusion Remote Access System requirements

JAWS and Fusion Remote Access System requirements


Below is information concerning system requirements for JAWS and Fusion remote access. Please note that a separate remote access license is required for this type of operation in addition to the JAWS or Fusion product itself. Please visit Remote Access License add-on for further details.

Brief Remote Access overview

JAWS Remote is an add-on to an existing JAWS or Fusion license to facilitiate access to a resource held on Remote computer using Remote Desktop, Terminal Services or CITRIX Protocols.  Remote Access license is per user not per machine so that a user can have access to as many Remote machines as are necessary to be accessed.  Authorisation is held at the client end of the connection in order for Remote Access to run the Remote copy interrogates te client machine running JAWS for the Remote Access license.   Upon successful retrieval of Remote Access license the Remte copy goes on to communicate bi-directionally with the JAWS client software to provide speech and Braille output as per user's reuirement as if they were sitting at that server physically. 

Supported remote access clients

  • Citrix: Receiver or Workspace
  • RDP: Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection (mstsc). Microsoft Remote Desktop client (MSRDP) is due to be supported as of JAWS 2022.2112.
  • VMWare Horizon: client 2006 or newer.
  • Amazon WorkSpaces Client

Licence requirement
JAWS Professional with Remote Access Add-on or Fusion Professional with Remote Access Add-on.
ZoomText licences do not allow the remote access add-on, although ZoomText will work remotely when paired with a Fusion Professional licence.

Client system also requires:

  • JAWS or Fusion software installed through the normal installer
  • JAWS or Fusion software activated with a licence which includes the remote access add-on. (Check in Help>About for “Remote Access: Enabled”)

Remote system requires:

  • JAWS or Fusion software installed through the normal installer (same version) - No need for activation on the remote system. A single-user licence will cover an unlimited number of servers - the licence is only restricted per client PC.
  • Virtual Channels enabled/unblocked.

How Remote Access works
When connecting from the local system to the remote system, your local copy of JAWS/Fusion shares the product licence with the remote system. The local JAWS and remote JAWS then communicate with each other to facilitate keyboard shortcuts and speech etc. This uses Virtual Channels within your remote access protocol.

Thin clients are not supported at this time.

JAWS/Fusion remote access ports

FileConnection typeIncoming portOutgoing port

Please visit Further information
for more details.

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