JAWS - Change or increase uppercase pitch announcement

JAWS - Change or increase uppercase pitch announcement


A JAWS customer wishes to change or increase the pitch of the uppercase letter announcement when it is encountered.


Please use these steps for changing or increasing the uppercase pitch change when an uppercase letter is encountered.

It is noted that some of the Vocalizer speech engines do not present the change in pitch well.  If increasing pitch change value to 100 in the steps below does not help sufficiently, one may have to try setting alternative uppercase indication instead.

  1. Press JAWSKey+J or CONTROL+CAPSLOCK+J to open the JAWS window or context menu.
  2. In the JAWS window press ALT+O or in the JAWS context menu press ENTER.
  3. Then press ENTER or RIGHT arrow to open the sub menu and press UP/DOWN arrow keys to find Voices and press ENTER.
  4. Then press ENTER when you hear Voice Adjustment.
  5. Press TAB key until you reach the setting Voice Change Pitch Percent (default is 20 out of 100) type in a higher value eg. 30 or more.
  6. Then press TAB to Apply button and press SPACEBAR on it.
  7. Then press ENTER to dismiss the dialogue box.

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