JAWS - Manual activation procedure

JAWS - Manual activation procedure


An IT technician is encountering problems during software activation process resulting in an error number being posted indicating activation has not taken place. 

Applies to

  1. JAWS


Instructions below are provided.

Using a mouse

  1. Start JAWS if it is not already running.
  2. Then open the AWS window > help > License > Update Authorization
  3. Then click Update Authorization button.
  4. On the next screen select manual activation option and press ENTER.
  5. On the next screen you may be prompted to add the authorization number, please click on the relevant edit field and enter the 20 digit ILM key for the license license.
  6. On the same screen make a note of the locking code key.
  7. Then go to www.fsactivate.com and select "Retrieve an Activation License Code" on the opening page.
  8. On the next screen copy.paste the 20 digit ILM key and the Locking code information in to the relevant entry fields, then click Submit button.
  9. On the next screen ether click the Copy button next to the license code or with a mouse click and drag to select the license code up to and including the # sign, right click and choose Copy in the context menu.
  10. Returning back to the activation wizard paste your code into the Activation License Code entry box and click Next button.
  11. On the next screen you are informed if the operation is successful, click Finish upon successful activation.

If you receive an error during activation please make a note of it to provide to Technical Support.

Using he keyboard (JAWS user)

  1. Start JAWS if it is not already running.
  2. If you are updating an existing authorized license open JAWS window > help > License > Update Authorization to update an existing license otherwise wait for the update authorization prompt.
  3. When the "Update Authorization" appears press SPACEBAR to activate it.
  4. When prompted input the 20 digit authorization number for the license and click "next" or press ENTER.
  5. On the next screen when asked choose "manual" activation using the arrow keys or click with the mouse.
  6. Then either click Next button or press ENTER.
  7. On the next screen observe a locking code number is displayed toghether with input fields for the 20 digit authorization number, tha letter must be filled in if blank.
  8. With a browser visit: https://fsactivate.freedomscientific.com/
  9. Enter the 20 digit ILM code for the license and copy/paste the locking code number from the activation wizard into the input field and click the submit button.
  10. When the next page displays copy the license code to clipboard. You can:
    a) click the "copy" button to copy the license code into the clipboard or;
    b) Double click he top line of the license code to highlight the code including the # sign and press control to copy to clipboard.
  11. Then return to the activation wizard and click in the "Activation license code" edit box and paste in the license code.
  12. Then click Next and Finish buttons when they are displayed to complete activation.

If you receive an error during activation please make a note of it to provide to Technical Support.