Suppress Capital Signs

JAWS – Missing checkbox for Suppress Braille Capitals


A JAWS customer who has upgraded from JAWS 2021 to JAWS 2022 or later discovers that the checkbox for Suppress Capital Letters in Braille output but are unable to find it in the Braille Options after JAWS version 2021.



This option was moved in JAWS 2022 into the Braille Language Profiles and so becomes a bit more hidden from view.  Below are steps to access this option if required.

  1. Press JAWSKey+F2 and select Settings Centre and press ENTER.
  2. Press CONTROL+SHIFT+D to open the Default configuration.
  3. Search the word Profile then press down to select Language Profile.
  4. Then press SPACEBAR to activate this option.
  5. In the dialogue check the language that is required so it is enabled.
  6. Then press ALT+D or TAB to the Details button and activate it.
  7. In the new dialogue press TAB to reach the drop down By Default Use and use arrow keys to select Contracted Braille.
  8. Then press TAB until you reach the Suppress Capital Signs checkbox and press SPACEBAR  to enable it.
  9. Then press TAB key to reach OK then press SPACEBAR.
  10. Then press TAB to reach Apply button and press SPACEBAR.
  11. Then press ENTER to dismiss Settings Centre window.

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