JAWS - Outlook settings changes for screen reader users

JAWS - Outlook settings changes for screen reader users


The current Outlook default settings do not suit the needs of a JAWS user.



Below are area where users may require adjustment of Outlook display settings. 

Disable reading pane

By default Outlook has the reading pane enabled but this may result in two potential problems:
  1. Displaying the reading pane causes navigation to become slow in the message list.
  2. As most JAWS or Fusion uses are habituated to pressing ENTER to open a message the reading may also be redundant

Disable the read pane by pressing :  Alt, V, Y2, R, O


Disable groups

Groups can be helpful to divide the list of messages up but also add extra navigation within the list that may not be desirable, disable it by using the steps below:

1.       Press these keys in sequence:  Alt, V, Y1, V

2.       In the resulting dialogue tab to “Group by” button and press SPACEBAR.

3.       Then immediately press SPACEBAR to uncheck “Automatically group according to arrangement” checkbox.

4.       Then press ENTER to dismiss the dialogue and tab around to the “OK” in the main dialogue and press SPACEBAR on it.


Reverse sort order

Some users who come from using Outlook Express or Windows Mail may prefer to have the most recent messages to be shown at the bottom of their list, you can do this by reversing the sort order to approximate the behaviour of Outlook Express.

  1. Press these keys in sequence:  Alt, V, RS

Apply current view to other folders

When you have found a group of settings that you have successfully applied to a folder you may wish other Outlook folders to behave in the same way without having to individually do this for each folder you have.

  1. Press these keys in sequence: alt, C, V, A
  2. From here use the up/down cursor keys to scan through any folders and press space on those you would like to apply the current view to, this will save you having to manually replicating your view settings for each folder in Outlook.

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