JAWS - Remote connection testing

JAWS - Remote connection testing


A customer encounters problems with Remote Access not working and wish to run a test to see if Remote Access channels are functioning properly.

The feature is available in JAWS 2020.2008.24 and above.
JAWS is included with the Fusion package.


Use the steps below appropriate for keyboard or mouse user.

Method 1 - Using a mouse

  1. Click the JAWS taskbar tab or right click the JAWS icon in the task tray located near the clock.
  2. Then choose Options > Remote Desktop. The Remote Desktop dialogue will appear showing available remote access authorisation.
  3. Click the Test Connection button to view results.

Method 2 - Using the keyboard

  1. Press JAWSkey+J or CONTRO+CAPSLOCK+J to open the JAWS window.
  2. Then respond as appropriate to how JAWS interface presents:
  • If you hear the JAWS window press ALT+O and down arrow to Remote Desktop and press ENTER.
  • If you hear context menu press right arrow on the Options menu and then down arrow to Remote Desktop and press ENTER.
  1. A new dialogue will display, check that “Remote Access Authorisation: Enabled” is showing.
  2. Navigate to the Test Connection button and press spacebar to activate.
  3. In the new dialogue JAWS will test the connection and provide results.

For Fusion product this feature is also accessible via the main Fusion window by choosing Fusion menu > Support > Remote Desktop.

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