JAWS - Beginning of speech is cut off

JAWS - Beginning of speech is cut off


A customer using JAWS has one of the two problems described below:
  1. When using a Bluetooth headset speech appears to stop entirely n headset especially when computer is left idle.
  2. When not using Bluetooth the beginning of any speech from JAWS is cut off so you may not hear  the front part of a word spoken by JAWS after the computer is idle for a a few second.


  1. Press JAWSKey+F2 then select Settings Centre.
  2. Press CONTROL+SHIFT+D to open the default configuration.
  3. In Settings Centre type the word "avoid" without the quotes.
  4. Then press down arrow unti you reach the option "Avoid speech cut off with Bluetooth".
  5. Then press SPACEBAR  to ensure this is turned on.
  6. Then press TAB until you reach the OK button and press SPACEBAR on it.
  7. Then press ALT+F4 to close the window.

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