JAWS Tandem verses Remote Access comparison

JAWS Tandem verses Remote Access comparison


JAWS has two similar features that allow JAWS to work over a remote connection.  The comparison below describes the difference in the general purpose of the two features JAWS Tandem and JAWS Remote respectively. 

JAWS Tandem

This feature is available to all JAWS users with a current license and has two forms.
• Tandem Centre allows any user to make contact and operate another JAWS user’s machine and help with problems. A meeting code is used for security to establish the session. Tandem centre is not designed for unattended remote access.
• Tandem Direct is an optional add-on to the license that is similar to Tandem Centre but designed to be used within a corporate network. Like Tandem Centre it is not designed for unattended access.

JAWS Remote Access

JAWS Remote Access is available as an optional add-on to a license for JAWS and also Fusion software. It allows a user to access another computer with the same facility as if using a local machine. The Remote license once added to the existing license on the PC will then authorise the Remote copy of the software when run on the Remote machine. The Remote Access system is a direct connection rather than as with Tandem requiring a rendezvous server and another user to operate the remote computer. Therefore Remote Access is ideal where resources are hosted a remote computer the JAWS/Fusion user requires access to such as CITRIX, RDP and Terminal Server environments.

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