JAWS – Using voice dictation (J-Say)

JAWS – Using voice dictation (J-Say)


An existing JAWS user is interested in voice dictation to input text.

Applies to

  1. JAWS/Fusion



  1. JAWS does allow speech input to request certain JAWS functions but does not allow the user to dictate text using speech input.  JAWS only provides a screen reading functions. if a customer needs to dictate into a document they will need a copy of Dragon softrwae. 
  2. In addition they will need the J-Say middleware software to integrate JAWS and Dragon in a way that is not possible using JAWS and Dragon alone.  J-Say does this by siugnificantly modifying JAWS so the user can run Dragon entirely using speech input.  At the time of writing J-Say works with Dragon 16.1 and latest version of JAW 2025 which is generally advisable.
  3. Using J-Say adds another layer of technology that potentially can go wrong and typically will require the user undertake some specialist training to run the system effectively.

J-Say information and contacts

  1. Main product page:  https://www.hartgen.org/j-say
  2. For technical queries contact :  brian@hartgenconsultancy.com
    or call 02921-051325

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