JAWS - Voice Assistant does not work
Your are using JAWS 2021 or later and wish to use the Voice Assistannt. This is normally enabled by default.
Applies to
Please attempt both solutions below to resolve the problem.
Method 1 - Check microphone is available
The Voice Assistant requires a microphone to operate and hear your commands. Plaase use either a headset or ensure that the microphone on a laptop is working. You can often test this by using the Voice Recorder app in Windows 10 to see if it picks up.
Method 2 - Check seting in JAWS UI
In JAWS 2021
- Press JAWSKey+J to open the JAWS interface.
- If the JAWS window appears press Alt+U and then down arrow to "Voice Assistant" and press right arrow or ENTER to open the sub menu.
- If the JAWS context menu appears press DOWN ARROW to "Utilities" then press RIGHT ARROW to open the sub menu and select "Voice Assistant" then press right arrow or ENTER to open the sub menu.
- Then down arrow and press ENTER on "Settings" in the sub menu.
- The Settings Centre will open with the Voice Assistant setting highlighted.
- Press SPACEBAR to toggle this setting on or off as desired.
- Press TAB to reach the Apply button and then press ENTER to dismiss the dialogue window.
In JAWS 2022 and above
- Press JAWSKey+J to open the JAWS interface.
- If the JAWS window appears press Alt+U and then down arrow to "Voice Assistant" and press RIGHT ARROW then press ENTER.
- If the JAWS context menu appears press DOWN ARROW to "Utilities" and press RIGHT ARROW to open the sub menu and select "Voice Assistant" then press RIGHT ARROW or ENTER to open the sub menu.
- Then DOWN ARROW and press ENTER on "Settings" in the sub menu.
- In the dialogue you should be focused on a check box to enable Voice Assistant, if thie is unchecked press SPACEBAR to check the item and then press ENTER.
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