Microsoft – Check Microsoft Recall feature status and decide
A customer has heard about the Microsoft Recall feature that is being rolled out to Windows 11 24H2. Users may wish to disable the feature for either of the following reasons:
- They are uncomfortable with this feature being enabled for reasons of privacy.
- They wish to conserve disk space on systems with limited storage.
Applies to
- Windows 11 204H2
Microsoft are rolling out the Recall feature, it works by taking screenshots of anything displayed on the computer and archives it so that it can be searched for an retrieved later. Further information can be obtained using this link:
- Retrace your steps with Recall
Please see steps below to check if Recall is enabled and use the commands below to disable or Enable as desired.
Check Recall feature status
- Right click Start button and left click Terminal (Admin), the Terminal window will open to a prompt.
- At prompt please enter or copy/paste the command below exactly, then press ENTER:
Dism /Online /Get-Featureinfo /Featurename:Recall
- A response will then be posted on screen, look for the line that reads Status and see what it shows immediately to the right:
Enabled – Recall is enabled
Disabled – Recall is disabled
Disable Recall feature
If the Recall status is Enabled use the following command and press ENTER to disable it:
Dism /Online /Disable-Feature /Featurename:Recall
Enable Recall feature
If the Recall status is shown as Disabled and a user wishes to enable it use this command and press ENTER to enable it:
Dism /Online /Enable-Feature /Featurename:Recal
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