Microsoft – Disable Co-pilot feature in Microsoft Office desktop apps

Microsoft – Disable Co-pilot feature in Microsoft Office desktop apps


When using Microsoft Office 365 apps you find the Co-Pilot feature is annoying or distracting and wish to disable the feature.  For example when you open Word you are prompte with the text 'Select the icon or presss alt +i to draft with co-pilot'.  

Applies to

  1. Microsoft Office


Use either set of instructions below to dsiable Co-Pilot

Using the mouse

  1. Click File > Options, the options dialogue will appear.
  2. On the left side in the category list click Co-Pilot.
  3. Then click to uncheck Enable Co-Pilot then click OK.
  4. The route will be the same in all office apps.

Using the keyboard

  1. Press ALT+F to open Fiel menu.
  2. Press DOWN ARROW to reach Options then press ENTER.
  3. In the new Options window press down arr to Co-PIlor in the category list.
  4. Then press TAB until you reach the Enable Co-PIlot checkbox then press SPACEBAR disable it.
  5. Then press TAB to reach OK and press SPACEBAR.

  1. On some systems you may have to select File > More > Options.
  2. This change does not affect the subscription paid by the user, for details how to access a plan without AI features visit this site:

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