Pearl camera not available in Openbook device selection dialogue

Pearl camera not available in Openbook device selection dialogue


Openbook 9.0.1768 and Pearl camera are installed but when you try to select "Camera" in the "Acquisition source" drop down, it is not showing.


A number of causes may need to be addressed. Please check the items below before proceeding with the solution.

  • Make sure that the Pearl camera is properly connected via USB.
  • Make sure Pearl camera is showing in the device manager.
  • Download the Pearl firmware update tool here and run it. If the Pearl requires an update you can proceed with updating the firmware.

If all the above have been worked trough successfully then try the solution below.

  1. Download the FSCamBridge driver for Pearl camera here.
  2. Run the installer to install the drivers for Pearl and restart the computer.
  3. Open the "Camera" app from the start menu.
  4. Check that you can see an image from Pearl camera.
  5. Open Openbook and choose Advanced > Device selection.
  6. Then select "Camera" and Pearl should be then selected.
  7. Click "OK" and then open Settings > Save Settings.
  8. Choose "Yes" to overwrite the settings.
  9. Finally, check by doing a scan (press SPACEBAR) to check that Openbook recieves the text to OCR.


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