SensePlayer - Audible app sign in problem

SensePlayer - Audible app sign in problem


After downloading the Android Audible app onto the SensePlayer the customer finds their sign in credentials that work elsewhere to sign in to the service being rejected in the Audible app.

Applies to

  1. SensePlayer 


The Audible service is a multi-national service, during sign one has to select the Audible market region manually for before the credentials are recognised correctly.  This market drop down element is placed near the bottom of the page and can be hard to locate..

  1. Please check on another device such as a desktop or laptop computer to verify that the login credentials work.
  2. After confirming the credentials take care when signing into Audible that you provide the login credentials and market selection have both been made.  Use the steps below as a guide to help before activating the sign in button.

  1. Press Home key and use UP/DOWN ARROW keys to select All Aps then press OK.
  2. Then select Audible app and press OK.  The Audible app opens at the Sign In page to enter credentials until successful sign in.
  3. Press number 7 on the keypad to navigate to the bottom of the window.
  4. Then press LEFT/RIGHT ARROW keys to reach the market drop down and press OK select the control..
  5. In the list press LEFT/RIGH ARROW keys until the select is set to “Audible dot com dot UK” and press OK to confirm.
  6. Then press left arrow to reach the “Sign in” button and press OK.
  7. Then use LEFT/RIGHT ARROW keys to locate the Email address edit box, then press OK to select it.  The SensePlayer on-screen keyboard will launch and you can use T9 style entry to fill out the account email address.
  8. Then use LEFT/RIGHY ARROW keys to navigate to password edit and press OK to select the control.  The on screen keyboard will open and you can enter credentials using T9 style entry.
  9. Then use LEFT/RIGHT ARROW keys to navigate up to locate the “Sign in” button and press OK to activate it and log in.

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