A SensePlayer user needs a list of Global options and their function.
The Global Option are a list of settings that can control how SensePlayer behaves.
Open SensePlayer Global Options
- Press MENU > Settings > Global Options
- Please review the settings shown below and their function.
Sleep Mode Kick in
Determines after what period of inactivity the unit automatically powers off. Choose among off, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 30 minutes.
Time Announcement
Choose among every 5 minutes, every 10 minutes, every 30 minutes, every hour, or Off.
Date/Time Output
Choose how the date and time are announced. Choose to announce just the date or time or to announce both. And, if both, in which order.
Determines whether control information such as “list item” or “combo box” is announced before the content, after the content or not at all (off).
Index Reporting
Determines whether numerical index information is announced as you navigate, such as, “3 of 5”, “4 of 18”, etc.
Show Folder Type
This option determines whether the File Manager analyzes content as you navigate. If set to On, the content type is announced for each folder, but navigation may not be as responsive.
Number of list items per page movement
Determines how many list items numbers 3 and 9 move by in File Management lists, the Web Radio Channel List, a list of memos or podcast feeds, etc. Choose among 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25. The default is 25.
System Alerts
choose among Off, beep, vibrate motor, or both.
Keypad Alerts
choose among Off, beep, vibrate motor, or both.
Keypad Sound setting
choose among Basic sounds 1, 2, and 3. (Used if keypad alerts are set to beep).
Play Power On/Off sound
Choose On, Off, or message.
Battery Alert
choose between Beep and Message.
Progress Indicator
Choose how progress is indicated during long operations, such as downloading or upgrading. Choose among Message, Beep, Beep and Message, Vibrate Motor, or Silent.
Alert Sound Volume
determines the volume of the various alert sounds as compared to the main volume.
Main Volume
Set the master volume using values from 1 to 15.
Numpad Lock
determines whether the numeric keypad is operational. Use the left and Right arrows to choose between On and Off.
Keypad Lock Warning
allows you to choose whether you receive the keypad locked announcement after pressing several keys. You may wish to turn this off, especially when reading with the keypad locked, so that reading is not interrupted if keys are pressed accidentally.
Text Entry Method
Choose whether to use T9 entry in edit boxes, or a “character Selection” method, which allows you to navigate and select characters to enter.
Choose how much time you are given before SensePlayer registers a character input using T9 entry. Choose options from 50 to 1500 milliseconds in increments of 50.
Smart Connect Key Map
Use this option to determine what key commands will be sent from the SensePlayer during Smart Connect, as these are operating system dependent. If you are connecting to an iPhone or iPad, choose iOS. If using an Android phone or tablet, choose Android. If you want to remote control your BrailleSense, choose “BrailleSense”. *Note
this option determines the default key map for new connections. Each saved connection can be set independently.
Send Audio During Smart connect
This option lets you determine if, when you are connected to a smartphone or tablet via the Smart Connect function, whether the audio of the smart device is also sent to the SensePlayer. Choose On or Off.
Choose the operating language of the SensePlayer using the Left and Right arrows.