SensePlayer - SmartConnect shortcuts

SensePlayer - SmartConnect shortcuts


A customer needs a list of the shortcuts relating to operation of SmartConnect feature with their IOS or Android mobile device.


Please find below SmartConnect shortcuts for Apple IOS and Android devices.

SmartConnect IOS

  1. The SmartConnect feature operates through a number of different modes of operation to carry out specific types of tasks. 
  2. When connected the keys for scrolling screens up, down, left and right require Quick Navigation to be turned on. This is noted in the command list with *RQN, (requires Quick Nav). All other keys should work regardless of whether Quick Navigation is on or off.
  3. To turn on Quick NAV press left and right arrow together on SensePlayer.

·       move to next item: Right arrow

·       Move to previous item: Left arrow

·       move forward 5 items: Menu-Right arrow

·       move back 5 items: Menu-Left arrow

·       Activate selected: OK Key

·       Touch and hold selected: Long Press OK key

·       Next rotor value: Down arrow

·       Previous rotor value: Up arrow

·       Next rotor selection: Hash

·       previous rotor selection: Star

·       Go to first item: Num1

·       Go to last item: Num7

·       Toggle Quick Nav: Left-Right arrow

·       Scroll up one screen: Num3 *RQN

·       Scroll down one screen: Num9 *RQN

·       Scroll left one screen: Num4 *RQN

·       Scroll right one screen: Num6 *RQN

·       Read from top: Num2

·       Read from current position: Num0

·       Pause/resume reading: Num5

·       Search screen: Num8

·       Back button: Cancel Key

·       Home: Long Press Menu key

·       Power Switch: Delete-0

·       App Switcher: Menu-Delete

·       move to next open app: Menu-Down arrow

·       Move to previous open app: Menu-Up arrow

·       Go to Status Bar: Menu-Num1

·       Open notification Center: Menu-Num2

·       Open Control center: Menu-Num3

·       open VO Quick Settings: Menu-Num4

·       Turn on VoiceOver Help: Menu-Num5

·       Copy last spoken text: Menu-Num6

·       Toggle Mute Speech: Menu-Num7

·       Open item chooser: Menu-Num8

·       Toggle screen curtain: Menu-Num9

·       Previous Media: Menu-Star

·       Next Media: Menu-Hash

·       Magic Tap: Menu-Num0

·       Toggle VoiceOver On/Off New Phones: Delete 3 times

·       Turn VoiceOver Off Old Phones: Delete-Cancel

·       Call Siri: Long Press Delete key


Web Browsing Mode

In Web Browsing Mode, for the number keys to navigate by the associated elements, both Quick Nav and Single Letter Quick Nav must be turned on. Alternatively, you can use the Hash and Star keys to adjust the rotor setting, and the Up and Down arrows to navigate by the selected rotor setting whether Quick Navigation is on or off.

·       Toggle Quick Nav On/Off: Left-Right arrow

·       Toggle single letter Quick Nav: Hash-Star

·       Next heading: Num1

·       Next Link: Num2

·       Next Static text: Num3

·       Next Table: Num4

·       Next Text field: Num5

·       Next Aria landmark: Num6

·       Next list: Num7

·       Next Button: Num8

·       Next Form control: Num0

·       Reverse movement: Add Star to above commands

·       Go to numbered headings: Menu-Num1-Num6

·       Go to Previous Numbered Heading: Delete-Num1-Num6

·       move to next item: Right arrow

·       Move to previous item: Left arrow

·       Activate selected: OK Key

·       Touch and hold selected: Long Press OK key

·       Next rotor value: Down arrow

·       Previous rotor value: Up arrow

·       Next rotor selection: Hash

·       previous rotor selection: Star

·       Home: long Press Menu key

Text Input Mode

To input text, use the telephone-style keypad to enter text using the T9 method. Regardless of how your text entry method is set for internal use, the Smart Connection requires you to use T9 entry. Also note: when entering and editing text in iOS, all Quick Navigation options must be set to off. Please use the additional keystrokes below for text navigation and editing.

·       Move forward one character: Right arrow

·       Move back one character: Left arrow

·       move forward one word: Menu-Right arrow

·       move back one word: Menu-Left arrow

·       Move up one line: Up arrow

·       Move down one line: Down arrow

·       Go to beginning of line: Delete-Left arrow

·       Go to end of line: Delete-Right arrow

·       Go to beginning of or previous paragraph: Menu-Up arrow

·       Go to end of or next paragraph: Menu-Down arrow

·       Go to beginning of text field: delete-Up Arrow

·       Go to end of text field: Delete-down arrow

·       Text selection: Add star to above commands

·       select All: Delete-Num1

·       Copy: Delete-Num2

·       Cut: Delete-Num3

·       Paste: Delete-Num4

·       Undo: delete-Num5

·       Redo: Delete-Num6

·       Enter: OK Key

·       delete: Delete Key

·       Change language: Star-Hash


Smart Connect Commands for Android

Use the following commands to navigate and interact with Android applications and screens.

·       Navigate to next item: Right arrow

·       Navigate to previous item: Left arrow

·       Navigate to above item: Menu-Up arrow

·       Navigate to below item: Menu-Down arrow

·       Navigate to next window: Menu-Right arrow

·       Navigate to previous window: Menu-Left arrow

·       Perform Click: OK Key

·       Perform Long Click: long Press OK Key

·       Adjust reading control up: Up arrow

·       Adjust reading control down: Down arrow

·       select next reading control: Hash

·       select previous reading control: Star

·       Navigate to first item: NUM1

·       Navigate to last item: NUM7

·       Read from top: Num2

·       Read from next item: num0

·       Search screen: Num8

·       Back button: Cancel Key

·       Home: Long Press Menu key

·       Recent Apps: Delete-Menu

·       Show actions: Menu-Num1

·       notifications: Menu-Num2

·       Show installed languages: Menu-Num3

·       Show talkback Menu: Menu-Num4

·       Previous Media: Menu-Star

·       Next Media: Menu-Hash

·       Play/Pause Media: Menu-Num0

·       open default browser: Delete-Num1

·       Open default contacts app: delete-Num2

·       Open default e-mail app: Delete-Num3

·       Open Gmail app: delete-Num4

·       Open default calendar: Delete-Num5

·       Open default music player: delete-Num6

·       Open default messaging app: Delete-Num7

·       Open default IM app: Delete-Num8

·       Open YouTube: Delete-Num9

·       Pause/Resume TalkBack: Delete-Cancel

·       Call Google Assistant: Long Press Delete


Web Browsing Mode

As previously mentioned, you can navigate using the keystrokes below to access various elements of a webpage using the numeric keypad. However, if you find it difficult to memorize all the numbers and associated elements, you may also adjust the “reading control” with Star and Hash, and use the Up and Down arrows to move by the chosen control.

·       Navigate to next heading: Num1

·       Navigate to next link: Num2

·       Navigate to next graphic: Num3

·       Navigate to next table: Num4

·       Navigate to next edit field: Num5

·       Navigate to next aria landmark: Num6

·       Navigate to next list: Num7

·       Navigate to next button: Num8

·       Navigate to next combo box: Num9

·       Navigate to next control: Num0

·       Reverse Movement: Add Star to above commands

·       Navigate to next numbered heading: Menu-Num1-Num6

·       Navigate to Previous Numbered Heading: Delete-Num1-Num6

·       Navigate to next item: Right arrow

·       Navigate to previous item: Left arrow

·       Perform Click: OK Key

·       Perform Long Click: long Press OK Key

·       select next reading control: Hash

·       select previous reading control: Star

·       Adjust reading control up: Up Arrow

·       Adjust reading control down: Down Arrow


Text Input Mode

Enter text using traditional T9 entry on the telephone style keypad. Use the keystrokes below for additional navigation and editing.

·       Navigate to next character: Right arrow

·       Navigate to previous character: Left arrow

·       Navigate to next word: Menu-Right arrow

·       Navigate to previous word: Menu-Left arrow

·       Navigate to next line: Down arrow

·       Navigate to previous line: Up arrow

·       Navigate to next paragraph: Menu Down arrow

·       Navigate to previous paragraph: Menu-Up arrow

·       Navigate to start of line: Delete-Left arrow

·       Navigate to end of line: Delete-Right arrow

·       Navigate to beginning of text field: Delete-Up arrow

·       Navigate to end of text field: Delete-Down arrow

·       Text selection: Add star to above commands

·       select All: Delete-Num1

·       Copy: Delete Num2

·       Cut: Delete-Num3

·       Paste: Delete-Num4

·       Undo: Delete-Num5

·       Redo: Delete-Num6

·       Enter: OK Key

·       Delete: Delete Key

·       Change language: Star-Hash

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