SmartVision 3 – Change/Assign keypad shortcuts

SmartVision 3 – Change/Assign keypad shortcuts


A SmartVision 3 user wishes to change or assign a numeric key shortcut for a phone function.

Applies to

  1. Kapsys SmartVision 3


The Kapsys Accessibility service can support up to 20 numeric keypad shortcuts to for phone functions.  To activate the shortcut one must press either * or # as a chord with a number on the numeric pad to run the shortcut.

  1. From the home screen press MENU > Kapsys Accessibility > Shortcuts.
  2. In the list use UP/DOWN ARROW keys to select the shortcut to change or assign, then press OK button.
  3. In the pop up list use the UP/DOWN ARROW keys to navigate through the list of options and press OK button to select the desired option from the list below.

List of assignable functions

Below are a list of functions that can be assigned to a numeric pad shortcut:
Get the phone status (time, battery level, Wifi status, Bluetooth status, GPS status, network status)
Increase speech speed
Decrease speech speed
Toggle audio output between receiver and loudspeaker
Select all
Move the cursor to the beginning of the edit box
Move cursor to end of the edit box
Switch to Kapsys keyboard
Switch to Android keyboard
Enable / Disable “MagniText” mode
Enable / Disable Touch panel
Enable / Disable Bluetooth
Enable / Disable Wifi
Enable / Disable GPS Localization
Enable / Disable mobile data usage
Enable / Disable Airplane Mode
Enable / Disable the Flashlight
Switch audio profile to Silent
Open Quick settings screen

List of pre-assigned shortcut

Kapsys have pre-assigned some shortcuts by default which can be modified by the user (see below). One must press either number key or star key together as a chord with a number on the numeric pad.

Using number sign

Hash 1: Get the phone status
Hash 2: Switch audio profile to Silent
Hash 3: Open Quick settings screen
Hash 4: Decrease speech speed
Hash 5: Increase speech speed
Hash 6: Enable / Disable “MagniText” mode
Hash 7: Enable / Disable Touch panel
Hash 8: Not allocated
Hash 9: Not allocated
Hash 0: Not allocated

Using Star" key

Star 1: Move the cursor to the beginning of the edit box
Star 2: Move the cursor to the end of the edit box
Star 3: Cut
Star 4: Not allocated
Star 5: Not allocated
Star 6: Copy
Star 7: Switch to Kapsys keyboard
Star 8: Switch to Android keyboard
Star 9: Paste
Star 0: Select all

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