SmartVision – Keypad shortcut commands

SmartVision – Keypad shortcut commands


A customer wishes to know what pre-defined quick keyboard shortcuts for commonly used features on Kapsys SmartVision 3 or SmartVision 2 mobile phone.

Applies to

  1. SmartVision 3
  2. SmartVision 2 


  1. Below listed are pre-defined shortcut keys built into the SmartVision mobile phone.
  2. Shortcut commands can be changed if the required action is not shown in the current defined set. 
  3. To activate a shortcut press both # or * sign together with a numeric key (as a key chord) to run the shortcut action.

SmartVision 3

Below are the pre defined shortcuts for SmartVision 3 mobile phone.

Pre-defined shortcuts with the "Hash" key:

  1. Hash 1: Get the phone status
  2. Hash 2: Switch audio profile to Silent
  3. Hash 3: Open Quick settings screen
  4. Hash 4: Decrease speech speed
  5. Hash 5: Increase speech speed
  6. Hash 6: Enable / Disable “MagniText” mode
  7. Hash 7: Enable / Disable Touch panel
  8. Hash 8: Not allocated
  9. Hash 9: Not allocated
  10. Hash 0: Not allocated


Pre-defined shortcuts with the "Star" key

  1. Star 1: Move the cursor to the beginning of the edit box
  2. Star 2: Move the cursor to the end of the edit box
  3. Star 3: Cut
  4. Star 4: Not allocated
  5. Star 5: Not allocated
  6. Star 6: Copy
  7. Star 7: Switch to Kapsys keyboard
  8. Star 8: Switch to Android keyboard
  9. Star 9: Paste
  10. Star 0: Select all


SmartVision 2

Below are the pre defined shortcuts for SmartVision 2 mobile phone.

Pre-defined shortcuts with the "Hash" key

Hash key 0: Kapsys Accessibility Service settings
Hash key 1: Get the SmartVision2 status
Hash key 2: Read from the beginning of the screen
Hash key 3: Open « Quick settings » page of the notification screen
Hash key 4: Decrease text-to-speech speed
Hash key 5: Increase text-to-speech speed
Hash key 6: Activate / Deactivate MagniText mode
Hash key 7: Repeat the last text-to-speech item
Hash key 8: Spell the last text-to-speech item
Hash key 9: Kapsys Accessibility Local Menu
Hash key Up arrow: Not allocated
Hash key Down arrow: Not allocated
Hash key Left arrow: Not allocated
Hash key Right arrow: Not allocated
Hash key Volume up: Increase the volume of text-to-speech output
Hash key Volume down: Decrease the volume of text-to-speech output

Pre-defined shortcuts with the "Star" key

Star 0: Select all
Star 1: Decrease precision level
Star 2: Increase precision level
Star 3: Cut
Star 4: Not allocated
Star 5: Not allocated
Star 6: Copy
Star 7: Not allocated
Star 8: Not allocated
Star 9: Paste

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