Smartvision - Phone resets

Smartvision - Phone resets


The SmartVision 2/3 phone is not behaving as expected and you wish to reset the unit.

Applies to

  1. SmartVision 2
  2. SmartVision 3


The following are user resets that can be carried out.

  1. Open the phone app.
  2. Then enter one of the reset codes below:

*#111# - blind configuration reset
*#222# - magnification configuration reset
*#333# - full reset (erases all user data)

  1. Then press call button.
  2. The phone will then immediately restart and reset itself, this may take some time.
Reset typeCode
Accessibility rese for Blind configuration*#111#
Accessibility reset for Magnification configuration*#222#
Full reset: factory reset, all data erased*#333#

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