JAWS - Suppress Start Up wizard prompt on first launch

JAWS - Suppress Start Up wizard prompt on first launch


The JAWS Start-up wizard is designed to assist users to select their preferred JAWS speech and Braille options. However, it require administrator privilege’s users and its appearance may not be desirable where workstations are in a controlled environment where users typically do not have the admin rights to make changes..


Step 1: Locating the configuration file storing the relevant flag

The setting for the Startup Wizard is kept in the Default.jcf configuration file placed in the user settings area for each user under the following path:

C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Freedom Scientific\JAWS\[year/version]\Settings\enu

[UserName] = profile for the JAWS end user
[year/version] = the year/version for the currently installed JAWS eg. 2022

Step 2: Amending the Default.jcf

  1. Locate the Default.jcf file by visiting the path above.
  2. Right click the file and choose “Edit” in the menu to open it in Notepad.
  3. For the JAWS Startup Wizard look for the line that reads:
  4. DisplayStartupWizard=1
  5. Then amend the value after the equals sign to 0
  6. Then save the file.

Other flags of interest

Below are the sections and relevant flags that can be changed.


1 = Enabled: notification of updates will take place
0 = Disabled: notification of updates will be disabled.


1 = Enabled: notification of new FSCast episodes take place
0 = Disabled: no notification of new FSCast episodes takes place.

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