Thunderbird - settings modifications for screen reader users

Thunderbird - settings modifications for screen reader users


Many screen reader users have been familiar with Microsoft email clients but Thunderbird works somewhat differently using TABS by default. This can prove a barrier to some users so to smooth the transition you can make changes to have Thunderbird behave somewhat more like the Microsoft offerings like Outlook Express or Windows Mail that are no longer supported anymore.


  • For JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion users


Use the steps below to make modifications to Thunderbird below:

  1. Press ALT+T, followed by E twice to access Tools > Settings.
  2. Then press TAB to reach the checkbox “Disable When Thunderbird launches show the Start Page in the message area” and press spacebar to uncheck this item.
  3. Navigate down to “Reading and Display” section.
  4. Then press TAB to reach the option “Open messages in” and use the arrows select “A new message window” radio button.
  5. When done press CONTROL+W to close the settings window.
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