Update BraillleSense 6 online

Update BraillleSense 6 online


Instructions for updating BrailleSense 6 using online Interenet.

Update procedure (Internet online)
To upgrade the BrailleSense Firmware via the Internet, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you are connected to the Internet and plugged into AC power. Press "Enter" on "Upgrade BrailleSense Firmware" in the "Utilities" menu.
  2. Press "Enter" on "Upgrade: Online". The BrailleSense connects to the HIMS server, and your current software version is compared to the HIMS server version. You are prompted to continue with the upgrade.
  3. The BrailleSense begins downloading the upgrade files. The upgrade is very large. Thus, depending on the speed of your Internet connection, it may take a long time to download.
  4. After downloading the upgrade files, BrailleSense automatically starts the upgrade process. Please remember you must not touch the BrailleSense until the upgrade is complete, as pressing keys, resetting, or unplugging the unit can interrupt the upgrade process, thus resulting in an incomplete installation. When the upgrade is complete, you are returned to the "program" menu, and the unit announces, "File manager".
  5. After the upgrade is complete, check the software version by pressing "Space-V" while in the "program" menu.
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