Hable One - Update firmware

Hable One - Update firmware


A customer would like to update the firmware of their Hable One device.


Please review the information below to update Hable One.


Updating firmware requires the Hable One mobile app available for Apple IOS and Android mobile platforms.

  1. Apple IOS mobile app
  2. Android Mobile app

Hable One must have the December 2022 app installed before you can update via the mobile app.

Update procedure

1. Download the Hable app from the play store. You can use this link to open the app on your iPhone or iPad. Link: https://apps.apple.com/nl/app/hable/id1626484835

2. To search for the Hable app on the app store. Go to app store > Search, and then search for Hable. The Hable app might be third or forth from the top.

3. Click on the Download button or Get button to install the app. Open the app. You will get the following alerts as soon as you open your app:

Alert 1: “Hable” Would like to use bluetooth. Be sure to press “OK” .

Alert 2: “Hable” would like to send your notifications. It is not mandatory to allow this.

Alert 3: “Hable” would like to use bluetooth for new connections. Be sure to press “OK”.

4. Make sure your Hable One is already connected to your iPhone or iPad via bluetooth.

5. To install the update, open the Hable app and scroll down to the latest version (January 2023)> then click on the ‘Install now’ button. 

Attention: Please do not switch off the Hable One or Hable app during the updating process.

6. The process takes 60 seconds. When the Hable vibrates, the updating process is complete.

To note: the app itself will not display a message if the update was successful. If you don’t encounter an error, then there’s nothing to worry about, you have the latest update installed to your Hable One!

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