ZoomText/Fusion - Using AppView reader in Microsoft Powerpoint

ZoomText/Fusion - Using AppView reader in Microsoft Powerpoint


You wish to read content in Microsoft PowerPoint with ZoomText or Fusion.


Your ability to read Microsoft PowerPoint content will depend on which product you are using.

ZoomText Mag/Reader products:
These points below have resulted from discussion with Vispero about this scenario:

  • Depending on the office version you may be able to read the textual content whilst in edit mode but this may not always work with the AppView or TextView readers in ZoomText.
  • If these do not work you may hear a message that these readers are not available but you can use the Speak It Tool CapsLock+Alt+S instead to provide some limited reading.
  • You may also enable mouse echo and attempt to read the content that way instead.
  • Fusion will do a better job (see bwlow).

For ZoomText Fusion products:
ZoomText Fusion uses the JAWS screen reader and will fare better. It is recommended that when opening the presentation to read you use the following process:

  1. With the presentation open F5 to play the document through whilst using the JAWS speech navigation keys on each slide.
  2. At the end of a slide press spacebar to advance to the next slide.
  3. Then repeat as necessary to complete the document.
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