FS Install - VideoAccessibilityx64 error posted during install of JAWS/Fusion

FS Install - VideoAccessibilityx64 error posted during install of JAWS/Fusion


VideoAccessibilityx64 error is posted during JAWS install.

Applies to

  1. JAWS/Fusion


Method 1 - Repair JAWS

Use the command line /type repair on the JAWS installer to repair the installed copy of JAWS thus.

PathToJAWSPackage.exe /type repair

If the repair does not work it may be worth checking the video card driver is properly installed, if it is not you will need to install the drivers first then run the JAWS repair.

Method 2 - install Magic

If the video card drivers are sound you can install Magic 14 whcih has been observed to fix this problem. Download from:
Once you have satisfied the fix works you can uninstall Magic but leave shared components installed.

Method 3 - Force intsall the accessibility driver (Windows 10 only):

  1. Download the x64 VideoAccessibility.msi installer on to the target system from:
  2. Launch an administrator command prompt
  3. Navigate to the same directory as the VideoAccessibility.msi installer in the command prompt
  4. Run the following command in the command prompt: msiexec /i VideoAccessibility.msi REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus
  5. Complete the installation wizard
  6. Reboot

Further information