Windows 11 Accessibility Monitor replacing replacing accessibility driver in JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion

Windows 11 Accessibility Monitor replacing replacing accessibility driver in JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion


During the installation of JAWS® and Fusion® on Windows® 10 and earlier, a video accessibility driver is installed into the operating system to gather accessibility information from the operating system and installed applications. Microsoft has an accessibility monitor that serves the same purpose. In late 2022, Microsoft plans to stop supporting the use of the video accessibility driver on Windows 11.

In anticipation of this, JAWS 2022 and Fusion 2022 will not install the video accessibility driver on Windows 11. The accessibility monitor gathers more in-depth accessibility information at a higher level for screen readers to use more efficiently.

For rare cases where the video accessibility driver is needed on Windows 11, you can still install and use it until Microsoft no longer supports it.


To install the video accessibility driver on Windows 11:

  1. Download and save the video accessibility driver installer.
  2. As an administrator, open a command prompt.
  3. Type the following: msiexec.exe /i [Path-to-Video-Accessibility-Installer]
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the driver.
  5. Restarting the computer will be required at the end.

JAWS and Fusion 2022 will now rely on accessibility information provided by the video accessibility driver instead of the accessibility monitor.
TSN: 123928
Date Posted: 08/19/2021
Applies to: JAWS, Fusion and Enhanced Vision