ZoomText - Changing ZoomText/Fusion magnification modes

ZoomText - Changing ZoomText/Fusion magnification modes


A ZoomText customer wishes to change the default full screen magnifier setting. 


ZoomText supports a number of different screen magnification modes.  For some users another mode may suit better depending on need.


  1. Open ZoomText/Fusion window using CONTROL+CAPSLOCK+U or click on the Fusion taskbar button.
  2. Then click on the Magnifier toolbar
  3. Then click the Window button in the toolbar.
  4. In the next window click the Window Type drop down and set it to anyone of the following options:

Displays magnified view over whole screen area

Displays a zoom window that lies on top of the normal screen which can be resized by the user.

Displays a lens zoom window similar to a magnifying glass, the lens will track activity in the focused area of the screen.
Displays a horizontal line like a magnifying ruler, this automatically tracks focus.

This mode splits the screen between magnified and normal screen horizontally or vertically against the edge of the screen.

  1. Then click OK to dismiss the Window.
  2. If the settings are satisfactory click ZoomText/Fusion menu > Configuration > Save As Default, then click Yes button at the overwrite prompt. This last steps ensures the settings are save for the next restart.

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